A new encounter

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The cold winds of the sea are strong, they are causing waves amongst what should have been calm waters. It is morning but it is very cloudy, gray clouds cover the sky preventing the heat of the sun from entering. The cold breeze of the sea makes it feel almost as if the tip of your nose was about to freeze and fall off. Thunder could still be heard in the background, the thunderstorm was finally passing and making its way towards the South. As the storm was passing throughout the remainder of the sea, somewhere in the middle of the massive sea an island could be seen, several trees covered the island making it thicker than the average forest, the shores of the island were filled with sand and rocks. And in the western side of the mountain a small sailboat could be seen washed up ashore. It was Ramon's sailboat. Ramon could be seen drooling as he was fast asleep on the deck facing up at the sky, Luna was laying down snuggled in the corner, she was using her black coat as a small blanket. As the two of them were resting, Pedro could be seen stretching as he stood up from his resting position. He yawned and scratched his arse. With his right index finger he scratched an eye booger that was in his right eye.

-"A forest?"- Pedro said under his breath.

He looked at Ramon who was sleeping like a sloth. Pedro walked towards Ramon and stood on his chest.

-"Hey!"- Pedro said as he slapped Ramon's left cheek.

-"Hey! Hey! Hey!"- He said as he continuously slapped him.

-"W-what who's there!?"- Ramon says as he postures up, causing Pedro to fall on his head. Ramon looked around in a state of confusion.

-"Oh...it's you..."- Ramon said in disappointment as he looked down at Pedro. As Pedro struggled to get up, Ramon looked around.

-"Where are we?"- Ramon asked.

-"Your guess is just as good as mine..."- Pedro replied.

Ramon stands up dusting himself, he looks into the deep green forest. The sounds of birds and monkeys could be heard loudly.

-"I think it might be an island?"- Ramon says.

-"No kidding?"- Pedro responds.

Ramon grabs his stomach with his left hand as his gut growls like a lion. He was very hungry. Ramon jumps out of the sailboat and begins to walk towards the forest.

-"Hey where are you going?"- Pedro asks.

-"I'm going to go find something to eat! I don't want to eat fish for the third day in a row."- Ramon says.

-"And what about Luna!? Do we just leave her here?"- Pedro asks.

-"Wake her up if you want, come find me if you do!"- He says as he disappears into the forest.

-"Okay..."- Pedro said to himself.

He turned around and faced Luna, he walked towards her and stood on her chest in front of her face. However it was difficult to keep balance due to her breasts being in the way.

-"Why do women have this useless feature?!"- He said.

He was trying to balance himself on her chest, it took him a few seconds to properly balance on her chest. Pedro got close to her face.

-"Hey!"- Pedro said as he slapped her right cheek.

-"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"- He said as he continuously slapped her just like he did to Ramon.

Luna lifted her right arm and grabbed him, tossing him across the deck of the sailboat. She then turned towards her right side, facing away from him. Pedro stood up.

-"Stop playing dumb! Wake up!"- Pedro said.

-"Leave me alone."- She said.

-"Get up you lazy sloth! We are supposed to go catch some food you idiot!"- Pedro said.

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