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Ramon opens his eyes, everything is pitch black, he postures up to a sitting position and looks around. Everything around him is a complete abyss of darkness, the silence is almost deafening. He feels his hands get wet, he looks down to see he is sitting down in a puddle of dark water. He moves his hand in the water almost like he was playing with it, the water is extremely cold it makes his fingers feel like they were about to go numb. As Ramon stops playing around on the water he stands up, he stumbles a bit but he is able to regain his composure. The water echoes as Ramon takes a few steps forward, it felt as if he was in an underground cave.

-"HELLOOOO!"- He shouts.

There is no response, Ramon feels a bit of unease.

'Did I die after defeating Shizuka?' he thinks to himself.

Ramon takes a few more steps forwards, it was as if he was walking in a lake with mud on the floor as to where your feet get stuck. He keeps walking endlessly for over an hour until he comes to a sudden stop. He sees a man off in the distance, a small silhouette. Ramon squints trying to get a better look at the man. This man was the same man he saw at the river before arriving at the Lunar Forest, Ramon gets a feeling of unease and feels chills run down his spine. The man was standing off in the distance without moving.

-"HEY!"- Ramon shouts at him waving his hands in the air.

Soon after a beat started to fill the area, it was like a heartbeat. Ramon looks around in confusion, the beat starts to get faster each second. Ramon puts his hands over his ears and falls to his knees. The beating noise is irritating his ears giving the sensation as if they wanted to burst. Ramon slowly opens his eyes still in agony just to see that the man in the distance has disappeared.

-"GO...NOW...INHERIT...THE GODSLAYER WILL."- A loud deep voice coming from the sky above speaks to Ramon.

Ramon begins to scream in agony as he feels his chest is being ripped open, it begins to glow with white aura.

-"AHHHHH"- Ramon yells

Ramon opened his eyes, he was laying down and sweating bullets. The sky above him was no longer pitch black there were stars; it was night time. He looks around to see he was in the forest where they fought Shizuka, the trees move swiftly with the wind passing by. He lets a sigh of relief escape his mouth. He then notices a fire to his left and turns to see what it was. It was a small simple bonfire, Pedro was sitting on a log next to it cooking a trout, however Pedro was wide eyed staring at Pedro with his mouth full of fish.

-"What?"- Ramon asks.

-"What is wrong with you!?!"- Pedro yells at him.

-"Huh?"- Ramon responds

-"Don't you 'huh' me you go to sleep for a week and you wake up screaming like a damn dog!"- Pedro continues to yap.

-"Oh ...sorry about that"- Ramon says, closing his eyes once more, still tired.

Pedro turns his attention to the fire and begins to pick at his food.

-"Ramon...are you alright?"- Pedro asks.

Ramon takes a deep breath and opens his eyes once more.

-"I'm fine, why do you ask?"- Ramon says now turning to Pedro.

-"When I woke up after passing out I saw you laying on the floor I was convinced for a second you died, but thankfully your body just shut down after using up so much energy...however"- Pedro says taking a bite out of the trout.

-"When I dragged you here to this spot every night you kept mumbling a name I have never heard of? I think it was something like Ariana? Ariii...? Auriana! Yeah that's it!"- Pedro says in excitement as he snaps his right index finger and thumb together.

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