Siege of Valeriana

19 15 1

After pain and suffering our warriors have finally made it out of the lunar forest alive. Now they have finally reached a town which was only six hours away. However it seems they have come across some type of celebration that they were clueless about. People were dancing, playing music, and having feasts. Luna and Pedro were both curious and confused as to why such a celebration was happening; however they paid no attention and focused on finding a place to stay. People were lighting fireworks, there were kids playing with tag or hide n seek with each other. Luna could only stare in awe. Some residents were giving them a weird look considering it isn't usual to see a frog driving a carriage, but Pedro didn't care about the stares he was getting. Then suddenly a man hopped onto the carriage handing Luna a beer and a kebab. He was laughing as he was smoking a cigar.

-"C'mon! you newcomers need to celebrate with us!"- He says shouting.

Luna gives a nervous smile to the man as some sweat drops from her forehead.

-"Umm what are we celebrating exactly?"- She asks, giving a small giggle.

-"Oh you must be new to the Elric Kingdom then! C'mon we are celebrating the army's victory over the catholic church! We have taken the city of Valeriana!"- The man shouts.

Pedro feels his stomach drop hearing these words. The city of Valeriana was one of the major cities where not just the church's people lived but also several people of the Bane Saltara faction. To think that such a major event could happen without him realizing is so insane to him

-"With that city down we just need three more cities and those catholic bastards will go extinct!"- the man yells in absolute excitement.

Luna looked at Pedro as he was staring onto the road, but his eyes were focused onto his hands as his mind was racing.

-"Valeriana city...fell?"- He says to himself in fear.

One week before.

It is now a week prior, as Pedro and Ramon have finally defeated shizuka another battle is taking place across the globe, a battle that will shake a nation, a nation that has existed for a millennium. The city of Valeriana is a beautiful city, everything was made of marble, the people were dressed so modestly that would put kings to shame. The streets were marble as well. The buildings seemed to reach the sky and it seemed that there were water fountains along every corner. There were also several statues placed in the plazas of the city, consisting of several heroes and martyrs of the church. In one of the marble houses lives a blonde teenage girl whose family was one of the most wealthy. She was writing a poem on a piece of paper as she sat on her bed. Her bed was huge and her walls were white. She had candles on every shelf of her room; it almost seemed as if she was scared of the dark. She had her window open letting the sun in and the noise of the birds.

'You skin is soft as cotton, your voice sweet honey? What no, that doesn't work!' She says to herself in thought as she crumbles the piece of paper and throws it she then reaches to her left and grabs another sheet.

She places the paper on her thigh getting ready to write again but she is interrupted by a voice from downstairs.

-"Dianna, come quick look at what I found!"- a voice says.

Dianna looks towards her door and begins to slowly walk towards it, she steps out onto the hall which was also made with marble, she walks downstairs heading into the living room.

-"Mom?"- She says.

She looks around her huge living room, she looks at the cabinets full of books.


Dianna turns behind her feeling as if the voice had come from there. She slowly walks towards the kitchen, there's a woman staring into the city with her face not being visible, she had long loose blonde hair and had a long white robe.

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