7. Sneaking Out

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Manik POV

"Manik, are you sure?"

"Yup. Let's go." I climbed down.

"Come. Nothing will happen." I said looking at her. She was frightened. The ladder was old and a bit broken, and it was her first time.

"Rose. Trust me. Just come." She took a deep breath. She balanced herself on the ladder and started climbing down. I smiled looking at her. I want to make our first outing a memorable one.

"Manik" She whispered in a scared tone. I caught her before she could touch the ground. She closed her eyes and held me tightly.

"It's okay. You are okay. Relax." I tried calming her down.

"I slipped. I got scared." She said making a cute pout. I just wanted to taste her lips.



"It's okay. Now you are safe and sound. Let's go." I said putting her down. I held her hand and walked towards the backside of her house. We jumped from the wall and ran until we were on the main road. We looked at each other and started laughing.

"Thank god. No one saw us," She said while laughing. She had a bright smile on her face. This is the first time I have seen her this happy.

"Where are we going?" She asked, looking at me.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out." I winked at her, held her hand, and started walking.

"Which ice cream do you want?"

"Double chip Belgium chocolate," She said licking her lips.

"One double chip Belgium chocolate and one mint chocolate chip ice cream" I gave the order.

"You like mint ice cream?" She asked making faces.

"Ya. I love it. Don't tell me you have never tasted it?" I asked, raising my brow.

"Eww... No. I love chocolate ice cream."

"You should try it."

"No thanks. I am happy with chocolate," She said blinking her eyes.

"Do don't know what you are missing. You will regret it."

"In your dreams." I gave her a whatever look, took our ice creams, and moved out.

"What are we doing? Are you mad?" She said.

"Trust me. Just come."

"You love climbing walls or what?"

"Rose, just come," I said, climbing a fence and jumping to the other side.

"Give me the ice cream." She obeyed.

"Now climb. Be careful."

I held her while she jumped.

"Are you fine?" I asked.

"Yup. Where are we?" She asked looking around.

"Figure out yourself." Saying this I walked ahead. She followed me.

"Park?" She was shocked.

"Yup. Park. Come." I held her hand and walked towards the swing. I sat on one, making her sit on the other one. I started munching on my ice cream.

"Manik, what are we doing here?" She asked.

"Spending some lone time." I gave a goofy smile.

"Like seriously? Park!! Out of all places."

"Yes, like seriously. Park out of all places." I mimicked her.

"Manik." She nagged.

"Do you know any other better place where we could spend some alone time," I asked looking at her. She looked at me and nodded no, "See."

"You know Rose I love parks," I spoke while we settled ourselves on the swings.

"When I was small I always used to force Mom, to come here. My siblings and cousins never used to like coming here. I don't know why. They never liked playing in parks, and I, on the other hand, was a park lover. So whenever I wanted to come to the park, Mom used to accompany me. This place used to give me peace."

"Don't tell me Aunty used to play with you on swings or monkey bars" She teased, but I stayed quiet.

Seeing my straight face, a smile vanished from her lips, "I am sorry. I didn't mean to make fun of the situation. I was just asking because you used to come alone. Seeing kids playing around you also would wish to play with them, right? I thought seeing you play alone Aunty would have joined you to make you happy." She said nervously, scared of my reaction. I sighed at my scary cat.

"You are right no one was there to play with me. You are right I am all by myself seeing other kids playing. but you are wrong about one thing." She looked quizzed me.

I held her hand, "Come. I'll show you something." I walked towards the side part of the park which was free for games. It was just a plain sand area. I started removing the sand.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Wait. You'll get to know."

"Is that lights out game?" she asked, amused.

"Yup. Lights out game. Now help me with it." She also started digging.

"Mom used to get me to this park during night hours," I spoke while digging, "We used to play this game for hours and hours."

"Are you ready?"


"Let's start then." I removed my phone, connected it to the lights, and pushed the start button.

Nandini POV

"Oh My God!!! That was amazing." I spoke while sitting on the sand, breathing heavily. We played the game for hours together without realizing it.

"I know." We laughed out loud.

"Shit!! It's raining. Let's go." Manik got up in a hurry and started moving towards the gate. but I stayed still. I spread my arms feeling it.

"Rose, what are you doing? Let's go. You'll fall ill." he spoke out of concern.

"No. I want to feel this. After so many years I'm feeling it and it's magical."

"What is magical?"

"Freedom," I spoke out loud, "Even though it is for a short span, let me feel it. I have never felt so happy and content." I closed my eyes in happiness.

"Manik," I called out his name as his hand slid on my waist, with my eyes still closed.

"Shh," he whispered in my ear. I shivered. He turned me around.

"Open your eyes, Rose" His voice was deep and erotic. I gulped and opened my eyes, meeting his directly.

"I will never let this feeling go away. I promise." He cupped my cheek. His lips touched my forehead. I hugged him in response. He tightened his hold.

"Never leave me," I murmured.

"Never." He murmured pulling me closer. His lips brushed against my temple, softly. My hands unconsciously moved towards his hair, caressing it. He dragged his lips and kissed near my ear. My hold on his hair became firm.

"Come lets go. The rain is getting heavy." He pulled out of the hug and held my hand leading the way out.

Hey guys. Hope you like the update. Enjoy.

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