4. Rules and babies??

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Manik POV



"Let's set a few rules."

"Rules? What rules?" She panicked.

"Hey! Come here." She came near me. I made her sit. Settled her legs on my thigh, making her rest her back on the arm of the sofa.

"If we need this thing to work, we need to set some rules," I spoke looking into her eyes.


"Rule No. 1. - Always trust each other," I took her hands in mine and continued, "No room for misunderstanding. Whatever the situation is, we will always give the other person a chance to explain," I said caressing her knuckles with my thumb.

"Okay," saying this she smiled, "Now my turn," she spoke in excitement.

"Go ahead," I encouraged her.

"Rule No. 2. - No letting go of each other," I gestured for her to continue, "You are my first friend, ever. Everything is new to me. If I commit any mistake, please forgive me. Don't let go of me," Innocence, worry was all over her face.

"Oh, Rose" I caressed her cheek with my thumb, leaning forward, "Forgiveness is a part of friendship. Letting the other person go is not a part of friendship," I kissed her forehead lovingly.

She shifted closer to me, "Can I?" she asked pointing at my shoulder.

"You never have to ask," I looked into her eyes. She leaned, and placed her head on my shoulder. My hands were resting on her thighs. I kissed her forehead again.

"Rule No. 3. - Never ignore each other's calls,"

"I don't have your number," she said softly.

"I'll give you now. Where is your phone?" I asked.

"In my room."

"Okay. Before leaving I'll save my number in your phone," I said.

"Rule no. 4. - Your own---"

"Nandini! Nandini!" We heard a man screaming his lungs out. Rose subconsciously tightened her hold on me. I looked at her. Her expression immediately changed.

I cupped her face, "Hey! What's wrong?" I asked. She started shivering.

"You need to. You need to leave right now." She shuttered.


"My dad is here."

"Nandini!" We heard him scream again.

"Go Manik. Leave right now."

"Nandini but-"

"Please just leave. Please." She pleaded.

I sighed, "Fine. I am going. You take care." I kissed her forehead.

We both stood up. She held my hand, "How will you go?"

"I'll jump from your balcony." I held her hand. "Don't worry I'll be fine."

She hugged me. "Take care."

"You need to take care more than me. I'll call you in some time." I kissed her temple.

"And before you ask let me tell you. Before leaving I'll save my number in your phone and then I'll leave. I promise."

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