3. Loneliness

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Nandini POV

"Manik where are you??" I spoke to myself sitting near the window with a coffee cup in my hand.

It's been five days Manik. Where are you? No calls, no messages. I don't even know if you are fine or not. It is all my fault. I shouldn't have been selfish and let you stay. What if the guards have seen you? What if they have done something to you? Please come back Manik I can't live with this guilt. It is killing me because of me you are in trouble. I don't even know what to do. On one side I need you, I need someone. After so many years I found someone who I can talk to and who will listen to me. I found a friend after so many years. On the other hand, I know that I am putting you in deep trouble if you will be my friend, be by my side. I can't pull you into the darkness I am living in but I can't even let you go. I am craving for someone from so many years, who would be by my side when I want them. Who would be my friend? Who would support me, guide me, and love me... As a friend.. at least."

"It's been five days. Where are you Manik??" A lone tear touched my cheek.

"Right behind you Rose" I heard a voice but I didn't turn back because I knew I was just imagining him saying things to me.

"I want you in real Manik, not in my imaginary conversations," I sighed deeply holding the cup.

"You are not imagining Rose. I am real," I felt a hand on my shoulder and another one slithering into my fingers.

I could feel his hot breath near my ear making me skip a heartbeat, "Manik," escaped my mouth as soon as his Cologne hit my nostrils.

"Hmm" He placed his soft, cold lips on my temple, smoothening my inner turmoil.

If it's a dream I don't want to wake up. Please.

"Are you real??" I asked in a whispering tone.

He held my hand and pressed it on his chest, near his heart, "Can you feel this?? Is this real?" He asked looking into my eyes. Tears started rolling down my cheeks as soon as I felt his heartbeat against my palm. I pulled my hand, palmed my face, and rolled up like a ball on the couch, crying hysterically.

"Nandini" He called, holding my hands in his and tried removing it from my face but I didn't let him.

God, he is here.

He is finally here.

I smiled between my tears. But why didn't he turn up in these five days? What happened to him? Did they hurt him?

I immediately wiped my tears and held his face, "Did they do something to you?? Did they hurt you? Are you hurt? Did the guards see you while leaving? Do they-" I stopped as soon as he planted a kiss on my forehead. A lone tear escapes my eyes. I sighed feeling the moment. His kiss lasted a little longer than usual.

He rested his forehead on mine, "I am fit and fine Rose. I am standing right in front of you without any scars or marks on my body."

I pulled him closer, wrapped my arms around his neck, and hugged him resting my head on his shoulder, "Hold me tight, please," I whispered on his neck. His hold tightened around my back pulling me completely on him.

I inhaled his mint cologne making myself realize the reality, of him being here.

With me.

In front of me.

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