14. Trip

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Manik POV

"Rose, wake up." I pulled her in my arms, caressing her cheek.

"What time is it?" she asked in her sleepy voice.

"It's 6. Everyone is waiting for us."

"I want to sleep more, Please," she whined

"Sleep in the car baby."

"Give me 5 minutes." I shook my head. This girl loves to sleep. I kissed her forehead before putting her on the bed. I buttoned her shirt because I know she would just come out without making herself presentable. She doesn't care about her messy look and I love that about her. I made her wear my jacket.

"Manik," she murmured as her sleep was getting disturbed.

"I am almost done. Bye." I kissed her forehead once again before leaving the room.

"She will come in 10 minutes," I said out loud walking into the kitchen.

"We already have our bags. So no packing is needed. You guys?" Hardin asked.

"I am done with my packing. Kate and I will go to her place, get her stuff, and then leave from here."

"We all can come with you guys and leave from her place," Hardin suggested.

"No." I almost yelled, surprising them, "Actually, the route is opposite. We need to come back here to leave." I said

"Okay then. Anyone sandwiches?" Ashley asked. We all grabbed one each and started munching on it.

"Manik." I heard Nandini's sleepy voice.

"In here Rose. In the kitchen." I said.


"Oh god, this lady." I grabbed her before she could hit anything and hurt herself. She snuggled into my chest, closing her eyes.

"What's this all about?" Jennifer asked.

"Nothing. She tends to sleepwalk." I caressed her hair.

"Manik." She whispered

"Yes baby," I looked at her.

"I want to eat that." She pointed at the sandwich I was holding.

"Here. Open your mouth." She took a bit of the sandwich before pushing her head more into my chest, lazily chewing it.

"Awww. You guys are so cute." Ashley said. Nandini's eyes widened as she looked around. I guess she forgot we are not alone. She looked at herself and then looked at me.

I pulled her close, "Don't worry. I made you presentable before coming out of the room. I know you wouldn't have paid attention to yourself before finding me." She let out her breath and hugged me.

"I won't let anyone see what's mine. I mean it." I whispered in her ear. I looked up to see, everyone staring at us.

I cleared my throat, "Guys we are leaving now. We'll be back by 8." saying this I pulled Rose to my room. I took my wallet, car keys, and both our phones.

"Bye, guys." Saying this I walked out with Rose.


"Manik I can't come," Nandini spoke when we reached her house.

'Why?" I asked holding her hand.

"The guards will come at night to check if I am there or not."

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