11. Breaking Apart

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Manik POV

"How come you are up today? I back-hugged her

"Just like that," she replied in a melancholy tone

"Rose," I turned her around, "Look at me,"

"I won't let anything happen to you." she hugged me tightly in response

"Hmm", she turned around again, back to her cooking.

"Hey, Rose, look at me." I turned off the burner and turned her around.

"I won't let anything happen to you. You are mine." I kissed her forehead, pulling her into a tight hug.

"Just take me away please." she cried on my shoulder.

"Soon. Very soon." I whispered kissing her hair, head, and face. Practically everywhere I could at this point.

"I want to be with you. I am not done with you and will never be." I kissed the sweet spot on her neck, to distract her which did work.

"Manik." she moaned my name in pleasure, which was quite sensuous awakening my desires. I cleared the slab, held her waist, and made her sit on it. Before she could contemplate the situation, I stood between her legs and moved her hair aside making her pale, thin neck visible to my eyes. I mercilessly attacked her neck, while she purred under my touch. I felt like doing so many things to her at that moment, but I didn't want to scare her with my dark, intense lustful desires.


Nandini POV

"Get dressed in this. He will be here in 15 minutes." My father threw a dress on my bed and shut the door. I looked at the dress. It was a brown and white color dress. It was a backless top with 2 to 3 with a mini-skirt with it. I wore the dress. It was too short. It was a deep neck making my cleavage visible. I felt disgusted wearing it but I had no choice.

"Ma'am you have been called downstairs," I nodded, signaling the guard to leave. Please manik, come fast.

"Oh look who's here?" Miller walked towards me, taking me in a hug. I clutched my fist, feeling him squeeze my ass. Feeling disgusted by his touch, I quickly got out of his hold.

"Boys, presenting you my to-be wife," he side-hugged me, introducing me to his friends. About 8 to 10 people were sitting in front of me including my father.

"She is hot man,"

"Damn you have got a sexy one," they kept passing cheap comments on me making me close my eyes in shame.

"I know right? Damn, I can't wait to have her," he laughed, making others do the same. A lone tear escaped my eyes. I looked at my father who was busy laughing with them. My father is dead for me.

"I wonder how will she look all wet," One of his friends gave a slutty look making me frown.

"Let's find out," Before I could process the situation, Miller opened a champagne bottle, and poured it all over my body. My white bra was visible as the champagne had made my white shirt transparent. I quickly covered my front, tears making their way from my eyes. I turned to leave but he held me back. Miller has humiliated me twice before but not at this level.

"Where do you think you are going?" he pulled me closer.

"Don't you think you should remove your top now? There is no point hiding anything as everything is seen." Yeah everyone screamed.




"Wait let me help you,"

"No, No, please no," I cried, pleading.

He pulled one of my top strings, "Always remember you belong to me"

He pulled the other one, "You know why I am doing this. That you belong to me. Last time what I did was nothing."

He pulled the last one, "This will remind you how cruel I am and I don't like mistakes. Your dad informed me about your sneaking out habit. This will remind you, whenever you will think of sneaking out. It will only get worse from her." I held my front, clutching the top from falling off.

"Out," I ran to my room, being a mess.


Manik POV

"How could you do this to me?" she hit me on my chest, crying hysterically. A lone tear escaped my eyes looking at her. I saw whatever happened down there. How he humiliated her, the wine, pulling her fabric strings, everything but I couldn't do anything.

"You told me you would be there?" she cried on my chest. I have never seen her this vulnerable

"He.. he" she broke down in the shower cabinet, remembering his cruelty.

"I am sorry." I cried looking at her like that.

"Why me?" she cried, covering her face.

"Rose, please, I am sorry,"

"Just leave." She spoke, looking into my eyes with her blank ones. No, please. Don't. Don't.

"Rose" I tried cupping her face but she flinched at my touch

"I said just leave." Her voice was plain and emotionless.

"Rose listen to me."

"You just want my body right? I know you want just my body nothing else. All of you just want my body. All of you are the same. I don't want anyone. Any one of you." She screamed, pushing me.

"Just leave me alone."

"Listen you are not in your senses right now. Why don't you sleep for now We can talk tomorrow." I tried persuading her.

"I don't want to talk tomorrow. In fact, I don't want to see your face. Just get lost."

"Rose- "

"Don't call me Rose."

"Okay fine. Nandini, listen. Don't do this to us, don't do this to me. We can talk tomorrow about this, about us."

"Don't you understand there is no us. There was never us and will never be. Just leave."

"Nandini, please. I beg you. I can't live without you."

"I don't care. Do what you want, it's not my business. Just go from here." she screamed, pushing me out and shut the door on my face.

Hey guys. I hope you like the update. Enjoy.

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