22. Face off

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"Hello, daughter." He smirked looking at me.

"Won't you invite us in?" Miller came into my view, making me step backward.

No No No.

This can't be happening.

No, please.

"Who is it, Rose? I heard the bell," Manik asked coming out of the room. I immediately ran to him and hugged him, a bone-crushing one.

"Rose, not so-" he stopped speaking looking at the people in front of him. I could feel the stiffness in his body. He held me closer.

"Won't you welcome us, Mr Malhotra?" Miller asked.

"Sure. Please sit," They sat on the sofa looking at us.

"Do you want to go inside?" Manik whispered into my ears.

"No. I am not going anywhere leaving you," I held him tight. He nodded. We sat on the sofa opposite them. I held his hand, sitting close to him.

"Let's come to the point. I don't like beating around the bush. I want back what's mine," Miller spoke in a stern voice.

"I don't have anything that's yours," Manik spoke calmly, making me frown.

"She," he pointed at me, "is mine,"

"She was never yours. Her dad sold her to you without her will, when she was a minor. It's an illegal and punishable offense."

"See Manik I have nothing against you and whatever it is between her dad and me, it's our matter. It's none of your concern,"

"I know what's right for my daughter and what's not. Come Nandini lets go," I held Manik's hand in a tight grip, nodding no.

"She is not going anywhere," Manik side-hugged me almost pulling me into him.

"Of course. Are you guys planning another trip, maybe Los Angeles this time?" Both of us looked shocked. How does he know?

"What? Shocked? How come I got to know? The club you guys went to was mine," he smirked

"Manik don't force me to show my bad side,"

"I'll give you whatever you want, leave her the fuck alone," Manik spoke.

"I claimed my right on her first. She is mine."

"She is not a property to be claimed," Manik fisted his hand in anger.

"Mr. Murthy, tell your daughter to come with us now, otherwise I'll pull all my money from your business. The result won't be good."

"Nandini get up and let's leave. If Miller pulls out all his funds, we'll be bankrupt. Don't do this."

"I don't care. I don't care about your money or you, because you never did. You only saw your daughter as a fucking money-making machine. You never cared about me,"

"I provided you with everything. This is your time to replay,"

"Repay for what? For keeping me caged all my life or for the tortures or for murdering my mom? For what should I repay for?" I yelled, with tears streaming down my eyes. Manik ran his hand up and down my arm, to calm me down.

"Nandini," my dad yelled.

"Don't scream Mr Murthy,"

"Say whatever you want to but it doesn't change the fact that I am your father and you are coming with me right now," he held my wrist, to take me with him but I pushed him back.

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