2. Messed up life

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Manik POV

"Woah! This is your home" I asked looking at the huge, magnificent mansion in front of me.

She just shrugged and led the way towards the main door.

"Don't you get lost or something in this mansion, I mean it's so huge?" I asked.

"I wish I could!" She whispered, to herself. Maybe not wanting me to here it, but I did.

"Did you say something?" I asked, pretending as though I didn't hear what she said.


I chucked the topic for the time being.


"By the way, I must tell you the interiors are amazing. Like seriously. Who designed it?" I asked as we walked towards the kitchen.

"Me," she said giving me a glass of water.

"No wonder I liked it so much," I winked at her with a smirk.

She gave a whatever look and turned towards the stove, "Do you want some coffee?" She asked.

"Sure. I don't mind" I said and walked towards her.

She quivered under my touch as soon as I back-hugged her. I slid both my hands on her waistline.

"You look beautiful in red," I whispered and kissed her earlobe. She gulped her saliva, nervously.

"You are irresistible" I moved my hands on her arms, resting them on her shoulder. I touch her temple with my nose tip before planting a kiss. She bit her lips to control her breath.


She looked like an angel, trembling under my touch.

"You shouldn't have done that," saying this I turned her around. I turned off the stove and pressed my body against hers. She looked down, hiding her face from her hair.

I gently tucked her hair behind her ear, "Look at me" Saying this I raised her face to look into her eyes. Before I could read it, she closed her eyes surrendering herself to me. I closed my eyes and moved closer to her.


Her hot breath on my upper lips was making me crazy. I just wanted to kiss the hell out of her until she blanked out in my arms.

"It's your first time, isn't it??" I asked unclenching her fist which hand turned white.

She opened get eyes and looked at me with frowns, "What?"

"The kiss. You have never kissed anyone." I asked looking into her eyes.

"How does it even matter? I want it." She said with annoyance dripping in her tone. She leaned towards me to kiss me but I pushed her back.

"No, you don't. You are forcing yourself."

"No. I am not!"

"Really? You are not forcing yourself. Then why do you cringe when I touch you? Why was there fear evident in your eyes when I touched you in the bar? And right now your clenched fist says it all."

"Fine, it's my first time. So what. I want to do it."

"Why? Why are you forcing yourself? You don't know what you are asking for." I tried reasoning it out.

"That's none of your concern and I know what I am asking for. If not you, then I will do it with someone else." She said and walked out of the kitchen. I walked towards her, held her hand, pushed her to the wall, and hovered over her. My eyes were spitting rage while fear was seen in hers.

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