18. Steamy date and conversations

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Nandini POV

"Who's cute?" Ashley asked.


"Seriously, from which angle does he look cute to you." the unwanted bitch spoke.

"From every angle and I don't think I need to explain that 'cause it will bounce above your head," I smirked at Jennifer while others laughed at my comment.

"Okay, enough of this. Girls we are hungry, so cook for us." Damon told, and the others agreed to him. I looked at Manik who was laughing at my expense as he knows I don't know proper cooking. Jerk. I can just cook from packets.

"What?" Bella spoke.

"Ya. You guys have to do as we say so cook. Meanwhile, guys let's play something." they all agreed.

"Xbox?" Manik suggested

"Perfect," Daniel spoke. they walked out, leaving the girls behind.

Ashley turned towards us, "Guys does anyone know cooking?" Ashley asked. Everyone nodded negatively.

"Now want to do."

"Let's order from the restaurant."

"They will get to know and I don't want to face the consequence."

"We will handle the consequence. Big deal," Bella spoke with a careless attitude.

"Maybe you can handle their nasty consequence, I cant," Ashley spoke. Jennifer and I, we too agreed with Ashley.

"How can you guys be a pussy,"

"This isn't called being a pussy. If we don't do what the guys said, then that will be called being a pussy as they have won the bet," I stated.

"Bella if you want to help or not, it's up to you," Ashley spoke, "Don't waste our time," We three walked towards the kitchen.

"Let's YouTube and see." Bella too entered the kitchen after us, leaving her attitude outside the kitchen. 

"Great idea." We planned on making white sauce pasta, lasagna, and brownie. 

I was almost in tears as it was nearly one and a half hours since we were making food. The pasta and lasagna were ready, almost edible in the second making while my brownie burnt thrice. Jennifer and Bella smirked seeing me failing again and again. We did have issues in making the food, but thanks to Ashley. She gave me the brownie part while the rest three took the other part so that we didn't have to communicate with each other.

"I'll use the restroom and come," I told Ashley, who nodded. I went to the restroom wiped my tears and composed myself. One more time Nandini, it's okay, you will be able to make it. Let's do this. 

I let out a sigh before entering the kitchen again. I found no one in the kitchen, Strange. I started mixing the batter. I felt two hands snaking around my waist making me jump.

"Need help sweetheart," Hearing Manik's sweet voice, pulled all my guards down. I left the spatula and turned around in his embrace. I hid my face in his chest. A lone tear escaped my eyes feeling his warmth. He is all I will ever need and want.

"What happened to my flower?" he asked softly while mixing the batter.

"Nothing." I nodded, in his chest. I stayed in the same position for a few minutes, absorbing his warmth.

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