moon jaeyun.

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forget me , not.

i promise to update earlier but i've been at my grandmas and the internet connection there was not on a good level i , apologise for that !


"what is your favorite flower ?" moon jaeyun asked his lover. "do you know the infamous forget—me—nots flower ? the little blue flower , with a very beautiful meaning." she replied. "let me google that flower first , never heard of it before." he said.

the lover are having the time of their life , holding each other hand and sitting side by side , it's a very comforting feeling. "it is a very cute blue flower." he said. "it is , i've never seen that flower in real. only on screen but i'm sure one say i'll be able to." yoori said.

"well , you can expect that once we are ready to get married. anyway , home cook food or order out ?" jaeyun asked yoori. "home cook food , we need to empty our fridge." yoori replied. "cook together ?" he asked and yoori nodded her head. "well , we're just going to stir fried this vegetables and . . . butter chicken , you agree ?" he suggested.

"heck yeah , who on earth would says no to butter chicken ?" she said. they cook together and finally , the foods are done. "you eat first and tell me the taste." he said , expecting a compliment. moon jaeyun is a guy full of love , he accept every compliments ever told to him. "you're so good at cooking , this is the best food i've ever eaten this week." yoori said , making sure he is happy with her words. the last thing she want to do is to make him upset. "glad to hear that." said jaeyun with a smile.


a week passed by and the lovers are having a fun vacation. they celebrated their three years anniversary at a very lovely place near a beach. "we have been together for three years. i still can't believe it , honestly." jaeyun said. yoori look at him with a smile , "well , 1095 days. who know we would last that long." she replied. "there should be no end to our relationship , i can't imagine life without you." he said , even imagining being away from her are hard enough , let alone a life without her.

"every love story will end with 'till death do us apart' , but i'm pretty sure it wont come soon. don't worry and enjoy today." yoori said to make him feel better. "i'm afraid even death can't do us part." he said , that's how much he love her. "i hope so , dear." yoori simply replied. their food arrived as they start to eat peacefully , with a beautiful view of the sea.


it is now night time , they decided to eat dinner at an expensive or so called 'fancy' restaurant to treat themselves something they don't usually have. "after this , i need to go to the hotel and take a few things. you can wait for me at the park." yoori said and jaeyun just nod. "make sure to walk safely , i have a big surprise for you." he replied.

after dinner , as yoori said ; she went to the hotel to find her gift that she bought for him. it's a new watch and a bracelet specially made for him. even though he told her to not spend a lot of money for their anniversary , she still want to give him a lovely gift.

"found it." she said. "hopefully he love it." she added , excited to see the priceless reaction from him. she walked out of the hotel to meet jaeyun and waited for the traffic lights to turn red. once it turn red , she is walking normally on the road. there's barely any car on the road anyway so it's safe.

but let's just say luck isn't on her side ; she was hit by an extremely drunk truck driver and unfortunately it was a huge truck. people that witnessed the incident are horrified. moon jaeyun on the other side , he doesn't know that his lover were hit by a truck. until , he heard a lot of people outside speaking and there's a police and ambulance sound. he wanted to see what happened , so he walked to the road where the accident happened. he can't see anything yet until a person give him a space to look at the victim.

he was freezed when he saw that the face of the victim is a face of her girlfriend. head bleeding , there's a scratch on her arm and she's just full of blood. he walked closer to his lover , "yoori ? ahn yoori can you hear me ?" he said. tears dropping out of his eyes. "no , stay strong for me yoori." he begged. the people around him feel so bad , some even feel the need to cry when they saw him shaking her asking if she's still there or no. the ambulance pick her up and once they get to the hospital , she was pronounced death.

moon jaeyun , as her lover , he can't believe what just happened. "sir , i am sorry but she couldn't make it. we hope you will recover from your sadness soon. all we need is for you to tell her family." said the doctor. jaeyun , he have no courage to tell her parents. she is their only child. "i will try my best." he said.

that night , he went home knowing there wont be anyone next to him tonight. knowing that the next day he wakes up , there won't be any sight of his girlfriend anymore. it's a sleepless night , he thought to himself ; if she's still here , she will have a beautiful ring on her ring finger , a kiss on her lip and a hug that is so tight it would be hard to breathe. why do the people we love the most need to leave first ? yoori , if you can hear the voice of my heart , please forgive me for not looking out for you and forget me , not. he have never cry this hard before.


at her funeral , after all of her family left. he stay for a little longer , holding her favourite flower. "forget me not , your favourite favourit, sweetheart." he said. "i remember you told me you wanted to see it in real life , i can't bring it to you at that time and i regretted that. i no longer can see that beautiful smile again." he added. he placed the flower at her grave and he cry so hard , the nature can hear him sobbing.

"why did you leave ?" he asked over and over again with his eye so watery and voice shaking. "a life without you is not a life. you are my only happiness and now you're . . . gone." he said. "i didn't even get to say my proposal , but as you say , even death can't do us part. because one day , i believe we'll see each other again." with that , he said his final goobye.

you are still not here ,
and tears no longer escape my eyes.
all the sleepless nights ,
crying and suffering from a feeling of missing someone.

on the bed we used to share ,
i waited for you to lay next to me.
oh , you're not here.

a house where we share our memories ,
i call out for your name.
oh , it's just an empty space.

i tried to search for you ,
but at the end i am searching for myself.
where have i gone ?
who am i now ?
what am i without you ?

— moon jaeyun.

| the end.

i am sorry if this make you drop a tears , i apologise if it's not as good as you expect too. if there's any typo or mistakes , don't be shy to tell me. i hope you enjoy this one , i promise if i write a new chapter of moon jaeyun oneshot ; it will be a happy ending ! anyway , favorite 8TURN song ? mine is WE !

please vote !

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