ji myungho.

175 3 5

hey , siri.

inspired by a song called
'siri' by chihoon and chanhyuk.


three weeks ago.

"you are too busy with your works , you barely even have time for me anymore and i don't think our relationship can continue. atleast text me , call me. but it's been two weeks straight , myungho. no calls , no text from you. honestly , it feels as if i am not even in a relationship." lee junmi said.

"we can talk things out , sweetheart. it's not about the calls or texts , it's about the love we have for each other. i love you still , please let's not end this okay ?" ji myungho wanted their relationship to continue but lee junmi can't handle it anymore.

"no myungho , i am so sorry , i can't do this anymore. i don't want to have an absent boyfriend." with that , three years of relationship end just like that. myungho was left dumbfounded and he went back to his apartment , crying silently the whole night.


present time.

it has been so hard for myungho to continue being productive , it's hard for him to go outside too. everything remind him of her. junmi on the other side during the first week of their break up , she is doing fine until she start to miss him.

myungho thought she fully moved on because he saw on junmi's friend's instagram story that they are having fun , there's guy with her too and he can't do anything about it , they are not together anymore.

it's a depressing month for both of them , especially myungho. he wanted to call and contact her so bad but he doesn't want to sound desperate yet at the same time he want to let her know that he is still so in love with her incase if she wants to get back with him.


another week has passed and it's passed midnight , junmi was having her crying session when she remember how every sunday night , myungho will send her a voice message of him singing.

she regretted everything. if she could turn back time , she would give him another chance. but now it's too late and there's no point of contacting him. it's been a month , 'he probably moved on now.' she thought.

no he have not moved on , infact he is having a hard time wondering if he should call junmi or not. 'you know what ? you only live once , myungho.' he decided to call her.

"hey , siri. call junmi." he said

junmi's phone ring.
her heart sink— that name.

myungho is calling . . .

'should i pick up or not ?' she thought to himself. 'whatever , this might be an emergency or something important. let's just pick this up.' and with that , she accept the call.

"hello ?" she said.

myungho heard her voice and swear he could cry right that that time. her voice sounds so comforting , he smile to himself. bring back a lot of memories.

"hi." he replied. "why are you calling me at this hour ? is there anything wrong ?" she asked. 'oh she still care about me.' myungho thought to himself.

"nothing , i am just . . . wondering what you are doing at this hour." he said , his voice is soft yet deep , the voice that junmi missed. she feel calm whenever she hear his voice.

"i am doing nothing , probably about to go to sleep." she replied. "you've never sleep later than 1 a.m though , is there something bothering you ?" myungho asked out of concern. "tell me , please."

junmi let out a sigh , she wanted to admit that she missed him but she feel so embarrassed and ashamed by it. "if there's nothing important then i should probably end this call—"

"don't." myungho said. "i have something to tell you." he added , he take a deep breathe before continuing his words. his heart beat faster than before , voice might be shaking.

"i tried hard , junmi. i just can't seem to get you off my mind. my feeling for you even after our break up is love. i have to admit , i keep thinking about you every night. wondering where are you at that moment ? what are you doing at that moment ?" he said , his words makes her feel guilty.

"and i know all i've been thinking about are works and it hurts to see you smiling on your instagram post , being so happy. if you found someone who understands you more , i am happy for you but there won't be anyone who will know even your tiniest sleeping habits." he added.

"can we meet later , i don't mind going out at this hour to meet you , please ?" junmi asked. myungho can't believe his ear right now. without hesitation , he agree. they met at a nearby park at this late hour and myungho miss that scent.

"myungho , i actually have a confession to make." junmi said. "to be honest , same. i can't get over you too. i constantly thinking about you that my life were miserable. don't trust any of the social media post , i am not doing well without you." she said.

myungho once again cannot believe his ear. "i realised that we really just need time." she added. they both doesn't even face each other since it is somehow awkward but then myungho turn his heard to look at her. "i will accept you to be my lover once again , i don't mind." he said.

with that , they are now back to being in a relationship again. whenever myungho's busy with works , she will give him time. myungho feel alive again , just like their first time being in a relationship.


"you use your expensive cologne , having a dinner with someone special i see." junmi said , assuming that he's going out for a business dinner and discussion. "yeah , you." he replied.

"what ?" she asked out of confusion. "you said a dinner with someone special , well you. you are special to me." he said.

so , they went out to dinner and have the best time of their life. "can you promise me something ?" he asked. "what is it ?" she replied. "please , never let go off me. you meant a lot to me , love." he said.

"you meant a lot to me." he said.

"and you mean twice a lot more to me." she replied.

| the end

sorry if there's any mistakes or grammatical error <3

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