jung haemin.

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once upon a dream

ps   :   this will be a short story !
tw   : mentioned of death !


shin minji feel as if two hands are hugging her waist from behind. jung haemin , his chin rest on her shoulder as he whispered into the girl's ear , "what are you doing , sweetheart ?" his soft gentle voice make minji's heart beat faster. "i am drawing something for you." she replied , trying to be calm.

haemin proceed to sit beside her , "me and you , it's us. i hope one day when i'm gone , you'll look at this picture and think of us." she said. "you are not going anywhere , sweetheart." he replied while softly pinching her cheeks. "you're so adorable." he added. "you're adorable too." she poke his cheeks.

they are being all lovey dovey toward each other and as the night arrives , they are laying on a bed next to each other and the roof was transparent so they are able to look at the night sky. minji sneaks the drawing inside his hoodie's pocket while he was mesmerised by the view. "you seems to love the sky more than me." she said , looking at her boyfriend who can't seem to take his eye off the beautiful sky.

"it's just that the sky remind me of your eyes." he said. he then pull her closer to him , "your sparkling eyes. i will always remember that. i want to stay with you forever like this." he said. "i'm afraid you can't." minji suddenly said with her eyes looking away from him. "what do you mean ?" he asked.

"open your eyes and live your life. this is the last time you are going to see me , this is just a dream haemin. you're late for the day , wake up and breathe the fresh morning air." she said. haemin was confused , "huh ?" he asked. "till we meet again." she said.


5 am , the sound of his alarm are ringing so loud. he wakes up from his dream , the dream that feel so real. the dream he don't want to wake up from.

he take off his hoodie and place it on the chair , a piece of paper fall out of the pocket. he unfold it and it's a drawing of him and shin minji , with a note ;

if you close your eyes again at night ,
expecting for me to be in your arm again—
i wont be there.
i'll disappear forever ,
but the love i have for you will never disappear.
go and love again , don't be afraid i won't be sad.

it feel so unreal and ever since that day , he always visited his girlfriend's grave. he doesn't drop a tears or act insane , he just went there to give flowers every weekend and change the dried flowers with a fresh one.

"by the way , i love you more than the sky."

| the end.

double update today ! i just have this idea suddenly pop up in my head and decided to write it before i forgot about it. i apologise if there are any mistakes or typos ! also soon there will be lee seungheon story ( requested by someone ! ) and yall please do comment your thoughts about all the stories i wrote , i love reading readers' comments ^^

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8TURN IMAGINES ✩ !Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora