Chapter one "first meet"

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Unexpected Guest

The spring was beautiful as always. The birds were chirping and some were fine their mate. The people were as noisy as ever. Especially today's as There was an book festival was going on. It made crowd more noisy than usual.

"Should I also take a book" A red hair girl with deep red eyes. Looked at the crowd and walked towards the books that were kept in a corner. Whoever complete a book and answered all the questions from that book could get 200 pound. she took a random book and walked to Gardinia public sanctuary. Gardinia is known for its beautiful city scenery.

She made her way to the deep as Gardinia public park, in reality was a forest. once, she made sure there was really no one to disturb her. She sat in a tree shade and started reading.

Time pass quickly.....

The red hair girl who was engrossed in reading didn't noticed the time passing. She was really interested in the book she just took " The Myth Of Earth Fairies". She got up and structured herself as she was sitting for a long time and was quite numb. Usually, she wouldn't be, but she has never relaxed like this.


The forest was suddenly shaking. The birds soon started to fly away from their location. The red haired girl followed the sound. If it was someone else, it might think of it as death call. The voice was super scary. "Am I seeing things" she mumbled herself as she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

As she gazed, there was a blonde hair girl fight with a alien creature. It was unbelievable, even for eyes. The blonde girl somehow was getting weak and so do attack. The red hair girl, even before she could jumped in front of the girl who was laying in the ground weakly. The Alien creature stood In front of the red hair girl with a disapproving growl. Soon that ugly yellow green giant captured the girl in front of him.

"Leave me" the red hair girl screamed while her heart jumped out. In a sudden dispute, her body was glowing and a dragon with its body burning come outside her. Soon her consciousness was gone and everything went dark.

Mid-Night 2:00 A.M

A girl opened her eyes after a long sleep. When her eyes was wide awake, she saw a blond hair girl, around seventeen or eighteen years old sitting in front of her as she watch her sleep. It felt creepy which made the girl sit up straight. "Shit, it wasn't a dream" the blonde hair girl looked at girl in front of her cursing, which was definitely surprising as she thought hat happened earlier was a dream as the red hair girl it self was someone with power. She looked like she had no idea about what's going on.

"You slept longer than I the by, I'm Stella from Solarise". The red hair girl look at Stella in a shocking expression earlier and asked "what was it.......hat are you" Earlier the Stella definitely had a pair of wings behind her and also she used some sort of power to fight that creature. "How did that light co,e from me" Stella look at the red hair girl, infact she also have no idea, what type of power does the red hair girl used. It was the first time she ever seen it. But other than that, Stella had some guesses. For example, the red hair girl might be the lost earth fairy. But it was simply a guess. So she didn't dare to speak it out.

"Earlier, whatever you seen are real. I'm a fairy, just like the book you read. But different. We don't fulfils anyone's wish nor we are any type of angels."Stella explained what fairies are and how she end up here. "The new year will soon start in Alfia and so was in a hurry to join the academy but on my way I was attacked and flew to the nearest location". As Stella explained the red haired girl doom started to calm.

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