Hating The Spotlight

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Once the sail away party finishes, it's time to go and get something to eat. It's a buffet type of restaurant. "After this, we have the New Kids game show event. They always look so much fun." Lana informs me of the plans for tonight. Before telling me it's the first theme night as well. Oh okay. I thought this was a vacation not an active venture. I'm glad that Lana sorted out our outfits because I would have no idea.
I'm sitting down eating when Lana is up getting more food and she is talking with some other fans. She invites them to join us at the table. "This is Carol and Emma. These are the two that I speak to in the fandom, ladies this is my best friend; Frankie." We all say hi and they sit down opposite me and Lana. Lana leads the conversation and I'm happy just listening to them.
Now it's time to go to where they are hosting the game show event. We follow Carol and Emma. Me and Emma go to the bar for drinks while the other two pick us a table to sit at. "I hear you're not a New Kids fan?" Carol asks me as we're waiting to be served. "Yeah, well not that I'm not a fan but I haven't really listened to them much. I'm more into my classic rock music. I know Lana is in heaven being here and I just want her to have the best time." She smiles, sympathetic. "Don't worry, I wasn't always a fan but Emma invited me to a few of their concerts and gotta admit, they know how to put a show on. Here I am." As we're walking towards where Lana and Emma are sitting down, I notice the stage lights light up. They guys must be getting ready to come out soon. Lana points to a seat next to her so I make a beeline for there and the other two lasses sit opposite us.
The lights go dark and the music starts playing. Everyone around me has started to sing along and clap their hands. A puff of smoke and all of a sudden, the New Kids appear at either side of the stage. I glance at the stage and there's contestant counters and a host stand to the side.

There's a big screen behind

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There's a big screen behind. I find myself being stared at by a pair of brown eyes. I break away from his glare. I'm already losing how many times I've caught him staring at me and it's beginning to grate on me. Like why? Didn't his mother tell him it's rude to stare?!? It's or should I say he's making me feel uncomfortable.


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Yes. He's handsome. My type to a tee. I gulp down my drink. "Lana, do you want another drink?" I ask her. She holds up her drink which is still three quarters full. The other two are still drinking theirs. I duck and weave through the audience towards the bar. I plonk myself down on the bar stool and wait for my drink. I swivel round to see what is happening on the stage. The group is picking out audience members to join them.

I slide down in my stool as low as I can and I hear the bar staff laughing

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I slide down in my stool as low as I can and I hear the bar staff laughing. "Your idea of a nightmare?" I glance at them. "Oh you can say that again! I'm only here for my best friend. I think one of the guys is a creep, keeps either staring or glaring at me and I don't know why. It's making me feel uncomfortable." Oops word vomit. "Which one?" They question me. "The small guy with all the big muscles and tattoos." He looks past me towards the stage. "He's single, apparently. Maybe he's looking for a girlfriend?" Now he's making me laugh. "No wonder!" He carefully places my drink down in front of me. "It's up to you if you listen or not, but maybe he's took a liking to you? Perhaps give him something to stare at." I raise my brow at him. "What do you mean?" I watch as he wipes the bar. "You're a pretty lady ma'am. Dress a bit more, how should I say this, more dressed up? Catch his eye." I gasp. With his eyes, he points to the stage and the man of the conversation is staring at us. "Or show him what he's missing. Then you'll know what he's thinking by his reaction." I shake my head disapprovingly. "I don't like to play games like that. And, I dress for me. Not for a guy." He holds his hands in the air as if he's been defeated. "It's up to you. Good luck. Or you could just talk to him. Simple as." I go to give him some money for my drink but he refuses. I thank him and make my way back to the table where Lana and the girls are sitting. I don't bother looking up at the stage until I sit down. I decide to tune the guy out and watch the others. They are quite funny. Or maybe it's this drink going straight to my head. I'm not usually a big drinker. It takes me a minute to realise that one of the guys has come to our table and is pointing his microphone at Lana, and she's telling them something, although I'm unsure what. I watch her body language, with how confident she is and seeing her so ecstatic really makes me happy for her. All of a sudden, the lights beam brightly onto me and I'm frozen to the spot. "What's your name, darling?" Huh, I can feel myself panicking, Lana whispers to me, oh, "I'm Frankie?!?" Everyone cheers and laughs. I'm completely lost. I feel kinda embarrassed, I don't know what just happened. Everyone must think I'm some idiot. I'm thankful when the spotlight is back on Lana along with the microphone. I feel miffed at myself. Picking up my drink, I sit and hide my glare behind the glass.

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