Another Rollicking

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I'm stood with Jared whilst he is picking out fans for the NKOTB Parlour and I have Joey to the side of me. Looking to see who's been picked out and I see the girl who Danny likes' Frankie and her friend. Frankie's friend is the one who has her arm up which is funny when you see Frankie's look of horror on her face at being chosen. "Jordan, can you do the blindfolded massage for Frankie?" Jared asks me. "Shouldn't Danny do that for her as he likes her?" I respond. "He's still busy with another fan and Frankie is already waiting there now." I reluctantly agree. Frankie is already blindfolded and I help her lie down on the massage table.

As I'm giving her the massage, I don't know if she's confused or being hopeful but the sounds she's making are a little distracting

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As I'm giving her the massage, I don't know if she's confused or being hopeful but the sounds she's making are a little distracting. I'll happily admit that she is very attractive but knowing that she likes Danny and he likes her in return, I'd never step on his toes. People can say what they want about me but I wouldn't go after a girl any of my friends are into, that's not me. I blush at the thought when I realise that I've touched the side of her breasts and as a guy, my groin area does get excited but I feel embarrassed. I don't want to go there with her, right now the only person who should be touching her in her private areas is the guy she's with.
As I'm taking off the blindfold from her face, her reaction to seeing it was me massaging her is what I expected. A little disheartened and disappointed that it was me and not Danny so I try to act cool to distract her thoughts. She's trying to be polite even though she looks anxious. When I stand up, after helping her walk to the side, and stepped away slightly, I realise why she's looking anxious as Danny comes into view. His face is full of fury. I watch as he takes hold of her arm and pulls her along with him to the room away from the fans. She's trying to keep up with her.
I'm busy with another fan when she storms out of the room with tears on her face. My heart saddens for her. No one should be making her cry like that. Me and Joey glance at each other in an uncomfortable way.
As soon as the event finishes, Danny disappears. I decide to go and try to talk to him. Joey already told me how he had words with him about his treatment towards Frankie in how he made her upset.
"Hey, Danny hold up!" I call out to him but he tries to ignore me. He tells me to leave him alone which I ignore. Something is bothering him and it's probably because I massaged his girl. As he reaches inside his cabin, I wedge my foot in the doorway so that I can follow him. He growls angry to himself.

We face each other

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We face each other. It makes me laugh. Okay that makes me sound like a jerk but the way he's reacting is way over the top. Like has he even bothered to ask what happened instead of blowing off at his poor girl, obviously not by the fury in his eyes. My laughing is pushing his buttons too much. I may as well give him something to actually get him mad. I start teasing him slightly. We all know he likes Frankie but he hasn't exactly treated her right since they first met. He needs to realise that he does like her and that his behaviour can't keep going on or he'll push her away for good. What comes next is his fist pounding on my face, repeatedly. In self defence, I go to punch him in the chest. One thing I'd never do is go for the face, I heard too many stories of people dying from one punch. Okay I pushed him a little but being beaten to a pulp, almost, is uncalled for. Straight away, the thought of fans seeing what I can only imagine to be a messy face saddens me. Angers me even. Everyone thinks Danny is some squeaky clean guy but over the years, I've seen him present bullish behaviour towards us especially Joey when we were kids. Now, we just let it slide after discussing matters first, calmly. I make my point clear once the security guys separate us and I leave his cabin, just as I was about to step out into the hallway; I hear Danny yelling out calling me a selfish dickhead and to go F myself. Joey and Donnie enter his cabin just as I'm going into my own cabin. I hear words being hurled around from the sound my brother. He did pass me on my way to my cabin. It's not often he raises his voice. Everyone knows Jon as like a care bear and it's very true. The kindest and sweetest person I know. One who I look up to the most.
I startle when Jon comes busting in and stops to look at my injuries. I didn't even look at my reflection, I was too busy trying to calm down. "You okay bro?" He gently pads his thumb on my cheek where it feels like it's swelling. "Argh crap Jon, that hurts, man. Is he still raging in there?" I ask him. "Yeah. Don't worry, you've got my back, okay? Come on, Donnie is wanting us all in there to sort this mess out." He gives me a brotherly hug and leads me back to Danny's cabin.

I don't even bother looking Danny's way when I walk in and stand in the corner, in front of the mirror there

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I don't even bother looking Danny's way when I walk in and stand in the corner, in front of the mirror there. I wince when Joey points out the mess of my face, he never fails to speak exactly what is on his mind ha! It causes me to be curious so I finally check my appearance. Yep, he definitely pointed out the obvious! What an absolute mess. I listen as Donnie talks to all of us. He points his gaze towards me, okay here we go, time to face another rollicking, from him this time. As always, I'll just speak the truth. It's what I'm known for.

End of part one.

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