The Movies Night

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Everyone is back on the cruise, all probably either eating, sleeping or getting ready for tonight's party. The theme for tonight's party is classic movies. We decided to dress as Cher and Dionne from Clueless. There's many movies that we loved growing up but this one was one of our all time favourites. Thankfully we don't have to do too much to get ready into the characters so we can chill out in our cabin for a few hours after we had some food.
"Oh wow, how cool do we look?!"

 "Oh wow, how cool do we look?!"

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I grin looking at our reflection. "She's my friend because we both know what it's like to have people be jealous of us." I gesture to Lana as I playfully re-enact the quote that Cher says in the movie, causing her to laugh hysterically. "What do you think the guys will be dressed as?" She asks aloud. I try to imagine what they're wearing but I don't come up with anything.
We meet Carol and Emma up where the party is on the deck. They were also dressed up as characters from Clueless but they were Tai and Amber.

If anyone can't tell who we're supposed to be then they weren't around back then, too young ha! There's already a decent crowd here and the first thing we do is get some drinks from the bar

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If anyone can't tell who we're supposed to be then they weren't around back then, too young ha! There's already a decent crowd here and the first thing we do is get some drinks from the bar.
A short while later, the deck is now full and full of energy. It's fascinating to see all of the different costumes/outfits. I'm constantly overhearing fans guessing what the guys will be wearing or not wearing, I hear the odd ones say. Music is blaring through the large speakers.
Fans suddenly start to get excited and much louder, that can only mean one thing; that they're on their way out here. I don't know if I'm excited or not, I'm happy to be with my bestie in our awesome outfits and enjoying these drinks. I turn round to be face to face with Danny, "whoa" I think out loud, I see Jon next to him who's saying hello to Lana. Just as I decided to say hello, they carried on walking towards the stage.

Jon is encouraging Lana to move forward, not wanting to be left behind on my own, I follow like a lapdog

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Jon is encouraging Lana to move forward, not wanting to be left behind on my own, I follow like a lapdog. Danny is moving his head from side to side, trying to see I presume myself is standing. I move my head so he can see me. I notice the corners of his lips turning into a smile. Realising he needs to show everyone some attention, he quickly waves out to the crowd but every now and then, I'll catch him looking my way.
"What's your movie?" Jon asks Lana, she's like "guess?!?" I laugh. Jordan pops over and whispers to his brother. "Clueless? Whatever the hell that is!" He tries again. I signal a thumbs up to Jordan for his help, as I was getting the feeling that Jon and Lana would have been guessing all night.
The guys dance along to the music as does the crowd. The DJ is playing different songs from movie soundtracks. I too am dancing along, the current song is Love Man from Dirty Dancing which is another of my favourite movies. Danny appears by my side and leans in, "you look hot Frankie, or should I call you Cher?!" The hairs on the back of my neck stand to attention as I feel his warm minty breath on my skin. I glance at his outfit. He looks pretty cool in his jeans, brown leather jacket and dark glasses. "Not so bad yourself, Danny." I whisper into his ear. "Dance with me?" He asks me, holding his hand out. I glance around, I notice people looking and giving me the side eye, making me feel uncomfortable, "not here." I hear him sigh. I watch as he slowly moves through the crowd and starts paying attention to other fans. I gulp the remainder of my drink down in one go, I hold up my empty bottle to Lana to let her know I'm going to refill. I check to see if she needs a top up and the same with Carol and Emma, just me then.
Sitting alone at the bar while I'm waiting for the bar staff to sort my drink out, I observe the scene in front of me.

The guys are all mingling with the fans and entertaining everyone

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The guys are all mingling with the fans and entertaining everyone. The look on Danny's face when I said not here, I don't think I'll ever forget the look of disappointment. I didn't mean to hurt his pride. I just didn't feel comfortable with getting snidely eyes or hearing insults thrown my way because he wanted to dance with me and not them.
Seeing as I quickly devoured this little cocktail, I order another one with a bottle of water. Thinking I've been here for too long, I grab my drinks and make my way through the crowd towards where Lana is. I spot Danny, I smile at him but he blanks me. My face must show the hurt as Donnie dances his way towards me, he tells me "just let him cool off, he likes you too much to ignore you for long, you hurt his pride when you said no to dancing with him." He gives me a hug and carries on through the crowd. I look over at Danny, even though he has an indescribable expression, I can tell he was watching the exchange between me and Donnie. I'm being pulled in for a selfie with the girls, I plaster on a smile for the picture. I have a plan, but hopefully I can do it. For a few hours, I find myself enjoying the music and dancing with the girls. I have had a few more drinks but I'm still sober enough as I've been drinking Coke and water in between.
The crowd begins to disperse as the time is early hours of the morning. The girls yawn and talk about how their footwear are hurting their feet. "We're going to head to our cabins, you ready?" Lana asks me. "I'll be there, just need to do something first. I'll message you when I'm on my way okay." She hugs me and walks away with the other two. The stage area is clear to see now the majority of people have left to go to their cabins, and I spot Danny in the corner. I stay back, watching the movement on the stage. The guys are clearing up the stage with the crew and chatting about whatever, I'm not really listening to what's being said. Donnie must notice me as he's talking quietly to Jon and Jordan, whilst pointing to me. One of them say something to Danny who then glances over towards my way. I try to keep my face void from emotion. I look down at my feet which I got to admit are hurting like crazy.
"Hey, Frankie." As soon as I hear his voice, I lift my head up and let go of my aching foot. "Hi. I. I'm sorry about earlier." I nervously tell him. "It's okay." Looking into his dark brown eyes, I can sense he's still hurt but is obviously trying to hide it. "I didn't want to say no. The way the way the fans were looking at me and talking about me, it made me feel uncomfortable. I don't like being under that type of scrutiny." His features soften as he listens to my explanation. "Ahh, I should have known that. I'm sorry, babe. I'll bare that in mind for next time. I forget that you're not a 'fan'." I smile, feeling myself feel more comfortable with him than I have done previously. "Argh, crap!" I reach for Danny as one of my shoes suddenly pinch my foot to stop myself from falling, he reaches out to catch me. Quickly he pulls a seat that was sitting nearby and helps me sit down. He goes to grab my foot, "may I?" He asks before he starts to unbuckle my footwear. As soon as my feet are free, the pain subsides. Feels like heaven! I thank him. "I really should get going or Lana will be sending out an SOS for me." That makes him chuckle. I stand up and lean in closer to him and place a kiss on his stubbly cheek. "Maybe I can have a dance with you tomorrow night, night night, Danny." I spin round, wave to him and the rest of the guys as I limp away. The further away I limp, I hear them bantering to Danny, cheering him on, making me laugh.

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