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Mali'kis POV

The sound of commotion woke me up from my deep slumber, I shot up from the hammock and tried to listen to what was happening. I peeled open my eyes and let them adjust to the dimly lit room.

My ears twitched at the tiniest sound. I got up from the hammock and walked closer to the entrance of my hut and listened carefully.

The ikrans were screeching, the members were shouting, the sound of heavy footsteps were heard. I panicked.

"Enough Neteyam!" A voice shouted sternly, I gasped and walked backwards as the silhouette of Na'vi made its way towards my hut. I immediately went back to the hammock and curled tightly into a ball.

Great mother hear my plea... please protect me I prayed as the sound of the curtain beads clicked together to signal that someone had entered my hut. "Mali'ki" the male spoke, I stayed still as I heard the male huffed, "get up" he said again.

I uncurled myself and stood up slowly, "follow me and keep quiet" with that he lead me to an unknown place that was secluded from the clan.

I felt a tight buckle strap itself onto my wrists and was attached to a railing of some sort. Flashbacks of my life from the past couple of months began to flash so quickly through my head.

My heart was pounding against my rib cage, I was so scared. The smell was unknown to me, the sounds were quiet, except for the sound of feet walking back and forth.

I soon felt hands on the back of my head, slowly trying to put a blindfold over my eyes, I panicked and immediately started thrashing around as hard as I could.

"Keep her still!" Someone shouted as they tried keeping me in place. Whipping my head to the side, I sank my fangs into someone's arm and they shouted. 

The sound of a metal door opened, "ENOUGH! Get out!" An accented voice spoke, my tail swished lightly, I know that voice... it's the male who helped me I thought to myself.

The grumbling noise of voices left and the metal door was shut. "Mali'ki... it's me, Neteyam" the boy spoke, my heart raced at the sound of his gentle voice.

"Ne-Neteyam? Please help me.. where am I?" I signed and felt him lightly touch my arm, I flinched. "You are in a questioning room... it's where we bring outsiders to ask them questions" he spoke truthfully. 

"Why am I here?" I signed, Neteyam walked carefully behind me and gently touched my shoulder, "my father demanded that you be questioned... we ran into a group of Na'vi that were looking for you.." He muttered, my head hung low.

"I will answer anything... just please don't leave me alone in here" I signed again, Neteyam was quiet for a moment, "I won't leave you" he whispered.

The metal door opened, "Neteyam" someone spoke, "sir" Neteyam responded. The door shut with a slam and I could feel the presence of three people in the room. One was Neteyam and two were unknown. My head stayed down.

"Mali'ki, my name is Jake Sully. I am the Olo'eyktan of the Omaticaya clan. This here to my right is a warrior named Nako" the male, Jake, stated. I tilted my head, "I am in the Omaticaya clan?" I signed, "yes you are" Jake responded.

"I have some questions for you, I want you to answer them truthfully" Jake stated after a brief moment of silence. I nodded my head.

"Good" Jake said.

"Do you remember why you were in the woods?" He questioned, I racked my brain to remember. I shook my head no, "how long have you been traveling through the forest?" I tilted my head a little, "maybe more than a day.. I don't remember."

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