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"Heo Kyuwon!" Haewon screams as she jumps over a few chairs to get to me. She smiles widely as she grabs my shoulders and pulls me closer to her. "How did the date go?"

"It went well, we got to know each other more." I laugh as I push her into a seat, smiling to myself as I remeber all the stuff we did last night. Yes it wasn't much, but it's a first date. We got know each other more and that was interesting to me.

"So what's his name?" Jihwa asks as she neatly places his bag underneath her desk and sitting on the chair.

"Oh Seungmin, he's born 2002." I shrug as I take out my copy and smile sweetly at Jihwa. "Hey do you have the English homework..?" I trail. Haewon quickly grabs her copy as well amd opens it, joining me in asking Jihwa for the homework.

"Why do you both hate doing the English homework?!"

After a few hours school was finally over. Jihwa and I were waiting outside of the classroom for Haewon as she was busy getting one of her homework corrected.
The halls were pretty busy, so there was some pushing here and there.

Jihwa doesn't have the best balance though, so every now and then I'd have to hold her to make sure she wouldn't topple over and get trampled over.

We then see Haewon skipping over to us with a smile as she shows us her copy.
"I got good marks on the points because they were all valid." She smiles widely. Jihwa rolls her eyes as she drags us both outside. What we both didn't expect was to see someone standing outside of the school holding a large bouqet of flowers while also being surrounded by girls who were literally falling for him.

"Wow, he's so handsome!"  "I wonder who those flowers are for.."  "Whoever it is, theyre really lucky."  "Hey, what if I ask for his number?"

"What the hell is that all about..?" I mumble as Jihwa shrugs her shoulders. Meanwhile, Haewon was jumping all over the place to see who it was. Once she saw a peek, her eyes immediantly widened.

"Who is it?" Jihwa asks with a raised eyebrow. Haewon doesn't say anything but just points to me. Both Jihwa and I give the girl a confused look. With a deep sigh, Haewon grabs my wrist and drags me towards the crowd, pushing some people out of the way.

"Kyu!" I then hear, immediantly recognizing the voice. He also pushes through the crowd as he gets to me, passing me the bouqet of white flowers.

"Seungmin, what're you doing here..?" I ask his as he gives me a side hug with a large smile.
"Please just go with it, I told my friends I got with you and now they're dying to meet you.." He whispers as he brings me out of the crowd and to a car, opening the passenger car and helping me in.

"Bye Kyuwon!" Jihwa shouts out while she waves at me. Haewon was too busy acting like a bodyguard to even say bye to me..

Seungmin then gets into the drivers seat and sighs of relief as he takes his grey cap off, fixing his hair.

"So, where are your friends?" I ask as he starts the engine, him immediantly driving off.

"We're meeting them at a restaurant, so I hope your hungry because they eat a lot.."

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