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"Would you stay still before I burn your neck and make it look like you got a hickey?!" I shout at Jihwa, telling Haewon to hold Jihwa's neck still while I conintued ro brush through her slightly wet hair.

"You just pulled on a knot!" Jihwa cries out, sinking into the chair in a spare classroom almost nobody knows about. "Let me brush my own hair and you do the styling, please!"

"Fine!" I groan, passing her the brush and taking a seat beside Haewon on a table as we watch Jihwa brush her hair out, complaining about how harsh I was.

"After we today, we'll be going to collage." Haewon calls out, looking down at the floor and kicking her legs. "Let's hope we all get into the collages we want."

"Even if we're in different ones, let's stay friends yeah? We'll keep in touch?" I smile, wrapping an arm around Haewon's shoulders and ruffling her hair up and making her groan as she dedicated a lot of time this morning to do it. Even though she had just straightened it.

"Of course we'll stay in touch! We've been friends for years now!" Jihwa laughs, putting her comb down and grabbing the hairdryer she had brought from home. "Someone dry my hair, please."

"You're 19, do it yourself!" Both Haewon and I shout out in unison, looking at each other and then bursting out with laughter.
The room then falls silent one we see 3 figures coming in the classroom.

"What took you guys so long?" Jihwa asks Yonil who was behind Gunil and Seungmin.

"We had to go back home because this idiot forgot to put his tie on." Seungmin sighs wile shaking his head, walking over to me and pulling a seat out beside me, taking a seat. He then looks up to me and holds my hands, pecking the top of it with a smile. I look at him with a confused face as I jokingly wipe it on his black blazer.

"Hey!" Seungmin whines, crossing his arms with a frown as he scoots the chair further away from me.

"Collage student acting like this? Wow." Gunil laughs at Seungmin who then glares at him. Upon seeing the glare he was recieving, Gunil stops laughing and helps his younger brother with his uniform. 

"Hey, after the ceremony I reserved us a table at a restaurant." Seungmin smiles at me as he stands up, pecking my cheek as he then heads for the door.
I frown as I follow him, stopping him from leaving. "Where are you going? The ceremony is in 25 minutes."

"I'll be back before it starts, don't worry." He says softly, waving at me as he then leaves the classroom.
Jihwa then calls me over.

"You offered to do my hair and you aren't even doing it.."

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