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"So, you're actually moving to Busan..?" Seungmin lowly says with a hint of sadness in his voice. I nod slowly at him as I join him on his sofa in his apartment after wiping my eyes with some tissues.

We've finished eating at the noodle bar and decided to go to his place for a bit, and I've just told him that my parents made it official that we'd be moving.

"Do you at least know when?" He asks, looking at me with slight tears in his eyes. I shake my head with a sigh.

"I don't know. They might just barge into my room tomorrow and say 'Pack your things we're moving in 4 days'." I shrug, dabbing the tissue underneath my eyes to dry up the small tear. "I told them I want to stay here, but my dad said no and he's the man of the house so he gets final say."

"So.." He trails, grabbing a glass of water off the coffee table and sipping it a bit before putting it back down on the wooden coaster. "You aren't going to stay here with me? In this apartment?"

"I really want too so I can stay with you and the others here in Seoul, but like I said before I'm forced to go to Busan."

"Then please ask your parents again." Seungmin calls out, turning to look at me and holding both my hands in his, putting them up to his forehead as he goes down onto the floor, kneeling in front of me. "I don't want to lose you. You're one of the best things that has ever happened to me."

"Seungmin.." I mumble as I help him back onto the sofa and grabbing some tissues from the tissue box in the middle of the coffee table, passing them over to him and helping him wipe his tears. I then look over to the clock on the wall and notice the time. 10.32pm.

"I should start heading home now or else I'll be in trouble." I sigh as I get up from the sofa, grabbing my jacket from the arm rest and sliding into it, skipping to the entrance and putting my shoes on.

Seungmin nods his head as he follows me, grabbing his car keys and leather jacket. I shake my head as I out his hand back down on the small table near the entrance.
"I'll walk home."

"Kyu, it's dark and I don't want you to be in danger." Seungmin frowns as he puts his jacket on, then opening the door. I nod my head again as I push him back inside of his apartment and smiling softly at him.

"I'll be fine, I promise." I reassure him, pecking his cheek and hugging him tightly.
"Kyuwon.. Please let me take you home."

I shake my head again as I frown at him, cupping his cheeks as I then peck his lips.
"I'll text you when I get home, ok?" I then let go of his cheeks as I walk away. He then pulls me back closer to him, holding me by my waist.

"Come here." Seungmin mumble. He then pulls me in closer to him and holding the back of my neck, connecting our lips. My shoulders drop in relaxation as I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him in. By Seungmin holding my neck softly, he could slightly maneuver where my head went.

I then break the kiss and step back from Seungmin a bit, smiling at him softly and waving at him.
"I'll be fine." I say, "I'll text you when I get home!"

He nods his head at his door as he waves back at me, watching me go down the hallway until we couldn't see eachother anymore. Once I turned a corner I lean my back agaisnt a wall and slide down, touching my lips.

"You're making me go crazy for you.."

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