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"Kyu, over here!" I hear in the back. I look over and see Seungmin waving his hands in the air with a wide smile. I then walk over to him and take a seat beside him, greeting the two friends infront of me.

"You know Jiseok, right?" He asks as he points over to the short brown haired boy. I nod my head as I greet him.

"Nice seeing you again." He smiles widely as he then continues to eat his rice and meat.

"This is Hyeongjun." Seungmin them points over to the boy infront of me. He wore big glasses and had brown fluffy hair.  He shyly waves at me with a soft smile.
"Nice to meet you. Seungmin told me a lot about you once he knew you were coming."

"This is Kyuwon, my girlfriend." Seungmin smiles as he looks over to me, then passing me a bowl and some utensils and placing some meat on the rice.

"Seung.. I can serve myself.." I mumble as I look over to him with a frown. He shakes his head while pouring me a glass of water.
"Don't worry about it." He sighs as he rests back into his seat, raising an eyebrow at me. "You said you wanted to tell me something?"

"It's a bit private.."

He nods with a smile as he continues to eat and talk to his friends, holding my hand underneath the table and rubbing it a few times since he new I was nervous.

After about an hour and a half we were all done eating and is now saying our goodbyes at the front of the restaurant. Jiseok and Hyeongjun both go the same way and Seungmin goes another way, but instead he chose to walk me home once again.

"So, you want to tell me what's up? You've been down these past days." He says softly wrapping an arm around my shoulder as we continued to walk.
I sigh deeply as I turn to him and pull him to the side of the sidewalk so we wouldn't be blocking peoples way.

"I might have to move back to Busan after my graduation.." I mumble. Seungmin's smile and shoulders both dropped as his eyes widened. He immediantly pulls me into a tight hug, hiding his face in my neck as he stroke my hair.

"I'm coming with you."

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