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"We'll see you guys in Busan." My dad smiles as he helps the moving staff carry one more box out of the apartment, shaking their hands as the staff go back down to their truck. My dad then turns to all of us, who were beside the apartment door with all of our stuff inside. He sighs before grabbing the keys out of his jean pockets and jingling them around, finding the key for the front door.

"Well, hope to see you again." He mumbles before closing the front door with a slam and locking it before turning to us again with a soft smile.

"I'm really going to miss this place." Kiyoung sighs deeply as she fixes her jumper and grabs her suitcase. "Anyways, I'm sitting in the back of the car!"

"And before she was crying over moving.." My mom mumbles under her breath, grabbing a large suitcase and leading us all to the elevators where we went to the lobby.

I then take my phone out, meanwhile my father was talking to the landlord, and saw a notification from Seungmin.

'Hey, I'm outside of your apartment lobby right now. Can I see you?'

I frown in confusion as I walk up to the large wall of windows and looking around for either Seungmin's car or the man himself.

"Kyu, you look like a stalker." Kunwoo laughs as he pays my shoulder, then pointing over to the other side of the road. "Isn't that your man?"

"That's an old man!" I shout out, wha king his arm and kicking his leg playfully with a frown. Kunwoo was laughing with his eye smiles as he tries to block my attacks, then apologizing.

"Jeez! I was just joking around." He smiles. We then get called over by our mom to go outside since we no longer had the keys. We both nod as he grabs our luggage and go to the car, pulling up one of the seats in the back for Kiyoung to sit in while the rest of the luggage will be beside her.

"Kyu!" I then hear. I quickly load in the suitcase in the back before turning around and seeing Seungmin running up to me. He opens his arms as he gets closer to me, then hugging me tightly and then spinning me around before setting me back on the ground.

"What the.." I mumble with wide eyes. "I knew you were here, but why are you here?" I ask as I go to the side of the car and open the door, then pulling down a seat so Kiyoung could go inside.

"I wanted to see you before you go." He says, helping Kiyoung inside and making sure she doesn't hurt herself, then waving at her and turning back to me while I put the seat back up and close the door again so Kiyoung couldn't hear our conversation.

"Well, now you've seen me." I shrug with a weak smile. Seungmin nods awkwardly as he taps his fingers on his hip a few times before sighing deeply and holding both my hands.

"Do you really want to go though?"

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