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"I'm coming with you."

"In hell you are!" I scoff as I break the hug, looking at him with tears in my eyes. I then chuckle as I wipe my tears, leaning agaisnt a wall and sighing as I look at Seungmin. "You got me crying.."

"When are you moving?" Seungmin asks as he walks in front of me and pulls me off the wall, us both walking back to my apartment block.

"All that Kunwoo said is that we'll be moving after I graduate.." I sigh deeply, kicking some pebbles in fromt of us while we turned a corner. "That's in 3 days."
Brushing my hair with my fingers, I then fix the varsity jacket Seungmin gave me on Saturday, when we went on a triple date with the others, and I'm not sure why but it just made me burst into tears.

Seungmin and I had just arrived at the front of my apartment block and he was busy comforting me by hugging my tightly and rubbing my back as he slowly rocked us side to side.

"I'm going to miss you guys so much.." I quietly say, wiping my tears off my cheeks. "I told Kunwoo that I don't want to move.. but since I'm the middle child I have no say in anything. He also thinks that because he's the older brother he gets to choose for us.."

"Kyu, if you don't want to move to Busan you can come live with me. I have a spare room in my apartment that I use as an office, but I can just move the desk into my room and I can make it a bedroom for you." Seungmin replies, pecking the top of my head softly as he sighs. "I'll take care of you; I'll cook for you, spend time with you. I'll do my best to make sure you're happy with me."

"I don't want to bother you.." I say with a frown, looking at a streetlight which wasn't working for some reason, so it was just flickering.
Seungmin shakes his head with a smile. "You never bother me. I love your company, you know? Having you beside me is basically my serotonin."

Smiling softly, I peck his cheek. "I really don't know how I ended up with someone like you.."

"Kyuwon." I then hear behind me. As I then recognized the voice, my shoulders tended up as my eyes also widened. Slowly turning around, I see Kunwoo standing there.

"What're you doing here.?" I nervously say, worried that he might be mad at me for storming out earlier.

"Mom started to get worried about you since it's past curfew." He says with monotone as he then looks at Seungmin, pointing over to him. "Who's he?"

"My friend, Seungmin.." I mumble. Not sure why, but referring to Seungmin as my 'friend' just felt wrong. "We met up and then ate.. He then walked me home.."

"Thanks for taking my sister home." Kunwoo smiles, waving at Seungmin. "I should bring her up now, but it was nice meeting you."

"Yeah, yeah.. You too." Seungmin awkwardly replies, smiling as he waved at me. "I'll see you around, Kyu."

"See you." I smile, waving at him as Kunwoo brings me inside the lobby and into the elevator.

"I know you're dating him."

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