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Leo: You've been portal chopped.

*The ship crashed right into the dark dimension.Leo crashes onto the remains of the destroyed world as the leader catches his breath and watches the light fade.Krang angrily turned to the motionless mutant slumped down, his head bowed and his eyes closed*

Leader Krang: *Outraged* You....

Leader Krang: *Begins to approach him* You ruined everything! And now, my wrath will be reversed for you alone.

*Enraged,he clenched his fists and started savagely punching Leo. Blood spilled everywhere.Sayuri tried to attack him,but Leader Krang Grabs Sayuri and Slammed her on the ground,making her cough blood out of her mouth*

Leader Krang: You think you've won,YOU WRETCHED LITTLE PESTS!

*He pinned Leo down until the ground underneath them crumbled and into the building, Leo is still not moving, and not saying a word.Beaten,bloodied,and almost close to death Leo lifted his hand to reveal the crumpled photo.Seeing the photo made the young mutant cry,thinking of those happy memories of his brothers and his family.He let out a whimpering gulp.And a tear dropped down as he smiled weakly,at peace with himself and knowing that his family is safe*


*With an enraged scream,he sends Leo flying with an explosive attack,causing the entire building to explode.Drifting alone in the dimension,he cried as he held the photo to his chest as streaks of tears leaked conflicted on whether or not he's ready to die yet.Sayuri stood there in horror*

Sayuri:*Clutches her fist and gets her Kamas*

Sayuri: *Her eyes filled with rage and starts to to Leader Krang* ARGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Leader Krang: *Turns to Sayuri* ?!

Sayuri: *Punches Leader Krang in the face REALLY HARD*  

Leader Krang: *Gets punched* OW!!!! YOU BRAT!!!!

Sayuri: *Wipes the blood of her mouth* I'm...Not..Done with YOU...

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