Chapter 6

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"A good friend listens to your adventures. A best friend makes them with you."

The jeep roared to life and drove on the damp mud.

"This is amazing." Ike smiles.

"And I'm creeped out,"Shulk scoots away from him.

"As long as I'm not walking, I'm fine,"Roy says.

"I'll consider it if we make it out alive."Link replied.

"What? I'm a good driver." Ike sneered.

Link glanced at Pit who was looking out in the distance.

"Are you okay?"Link asked the angel.

"I'm fine. Just a little worried."

"Everything's gonna be okay."

Link flashed him a smile that made Pit melt inside.

"Oh hell nah! They at us again!" Ike yelled looking at the rear view mirror.

In front of the vehicle laid a narrow bridge that looked like it might fall apart.

"We're gonna have to cross the bridge guys,"Shulk ordered.

"What if it collapses?"Pittoo cried.

"It won't."

They were trapped unless they crossed the bridge. A creature smashed on top of the car with it's drool dripping down the window.

"Step on it!" Marth yelled.

Ike slammed his foot on the gas pedal throwing the animal off the car. More and more dragons jumped onto the vehicle.

"We can't keep going."Ike sighed."We're gonna have to stop and fight."

Pittoo, Ike, Shulk, Roy, and Link jumped out of the car.

Pit was about to get out until the Hylian stopped him.

"Stay here. I don't want you to get hurt."He ordered.

"Ok."Pit grumbled.

He didn't like the idea of sitting in the car watching his friends fight for their lives.

Link pecked his lips and left.

Marth sat beside the angel."I told you, ya'll would get together,"The blunette smiled.

"Sure."Pit rolled his eyes playfully.

A dragon crashed on to the car with a missing wing. It crawled in trying to bite Pit's flesh. The angel socked the creature in the nose.

The animal jumped on Marth forgetting about Pit.

"Get off of him!"Pit pulled it's wing but it didn't budge.

The jeep tilted over and they fell deep into the frigid river.

Pit heard Link and Pittoo call his name but the angel's priority was to save his best friend.

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