Chapter 26

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Avicii's new album has just been released and it's amazing!

" I see the hope in your heart, and sometimes you lose and sometimes you're shooting broken arrows in the dark. But I, I see the hope in your heart."

Robin was electrifying.

A smile grew across his face.

Five boys will be dying this evening. Maybe four.

"Maybe I'll torture the angel and let him have a slow death." The wizard thought.

No one was gonna stop this man. This was his jungle. Everything belonged to him. He fought plenty of battles. This one will only last for a minute.

A scream echoed underneath.

"Robin! This thing is trying to kill me." Lucina cried cowering into a corner.

"Leave my dragon be. You obviously made her upset." Robin scratched the creature under it's chin.

Lucina wrinkled her nose in disgust."Whatever. I'm not even gonna argue with you."

"You wouldn't win anyway."

"This is his castle?" Ike raised an eyebrow.

"Yes Ike." Pit says.

"The dude's fucking rich!"

Marth and Shulk rolled their eyes.

"I'm surprised his dragons are not out here." Link stated.

"What if they're inside waiting for us?" Marth questioned.

"We're gonna have to find another way in."

"Bullshit!" Ike yells kicking the door open with his boot.

"Ike!" The group glared at him.

Two dragons glided down the stairs heading towards them.

"Well you only live once." The blunette shrugged.

Marth tackled one dragon onto the ground.
Shulk and Ike cornered another against the wall.

"Go ahead. We got this!" Ike assured.

"Let's go." The Hylian grabbed the angel's hand pulling him up the stairs.

AN: I would appreciate if you guys would comment. I like to know how you feel about the story or what you like about it. Anyways, you guys are the best!
Thank you.

Unleashed {Pit x Link}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt