Chapter 10

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We'll be coming back by Calvin Harris ft. Example

"My brother
Someone who hides my toys + breaks my dolls
But picks me up whenever I fall.
Someone who stands by my side and holds my hand.
When things don't go well, he helps me understand.
Someone who makes funny faces to see how I'd react
I love my brother + and that's a fact!"

Night came around the corner letting the moon glisten throughout the jungle.

"Did you talk to him?" Pittoo asked sitting beside his twin.

"Yah. That asswipe."

"I just felt like no one believed me earlier." Pittoo frowned.

"Well I believe you now."

"Pit, do- do you think that Robin will kill us?" The fallen angel looked at him with his laser red eyes.

"No. I won't let that happen. We have to be stronger than this, Pittoo. Robin just wants us to be afraid."

"Ok. I trust you." His twin smiled.

Pittoo noticed the sorrow look plastered on his brother's face.

"Did something else happen?" He questioned.

"Robin's trying to take Link away from me." His eyes welled with tears.

"Link's not stupid to fall for him."

"Who wouldn't? Robin's beautiful, smart, I could go on."

"Don't. I think you're more beautiful."

"Why? Cause your my brother?"

"No, because I love you." The fallen angel smiled.

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