Chapter 24

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"A true friend is someone who thinks you are a good egg. Even though he knows you are slightly cracked."

"Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" Link ordered.

"No one here runs fast except you Link." Pit groaned.

"Come on, my three legged dog can run faster than yall."

An animalistic cry rang through the jungle.

"Here they go again." Ike muttered under his breath.

The group decided to follow the Hylian's orders and sped up their pace.

A dragon flew past them his claws grazed Ike's skin on his arm.

"The hell wrong with you?" Ike yelled."This heffer cut my clothing."

"Well I'm gonna cut his head." Roy pulled out his sword.

"No Roy! Don't fight, you're already hurt." Marth stepped in front of the redhead.

"I want to die fighting. I'm not gonna be a coward." Roy glared.

"Marth is right Roy. Stay put, we got this." Shulk pat his shoulder.

The dragon plunged into the ocean after being struck with Link's durable sword.

"We did a good job." Ike grinned.

"We?" Link raised an eyebrow.

"Roy, stop!" Marth cried.

Roy ignored Marth's words continuing to stab each dragon one by one.

Another creature caught him off guard tearing a chunk of flesh from his side.

Roy let out a cry falling onto the ground hissing in pain.

"Leave him alone!" Marth blocked the dragons path.

They roared in his face their spit hitting his cheeks.

Marth growled and pierced one dragon swiftly in it's chest and kicked one in it's last good eye.

"Roy?" Marth kneeled beside the redhead.

"Marth, I don't think I'm gonna make it." He wheezed.

"Don't talk like that!" Tears welled in his blue eyes.

"Marth, when I die throw my body in the ocean. I don't want anything to eat me."

"No Roy, I can't." Marth sobbed in his shirt.

"Please, that's all I ask of you."

"No Roy. You're gonna live. Just keep breathing."

"I love you, Marth." The redhead laid lifeless in his arms closing his eyes.

"Roy," Marth yelled.

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