Chapter 23

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I found this video on Pinterest and it was too damn cute. I couldn't help but laugh watching it. If you ship Roy x Marth I recommend watching it. The video is adorable and you'll love it.
-Samantha Kay

"I think the best day will be when we no longer talk about being gay or straight... It's not a gay wedding, it's just a wedding... It's not a gay marriage, it's just a marriage."

"Marth, Roy isn't getting any better," Pit informs the blunette.

Marth glanced at the redhead sleeping against a tree. Blood seeped through his shirt staining it a dark Crimson red.

"I know, but I can't leave him." Marth stared at his feet.

"Who said we were leaving him?" Ike grinned." I say we should be with him until his time is up."

"Stop!" Marth clenched his fist." I don't want to think about him dying. Please have a little faith. I think he can make it."

"Alright, Marth." Ike pat his shoulder.

Marth walked over to the sleeping redhead.

Roy's eyes cracked open.

"Hi, Roy." Marth greeted.

"I'm gonna die, aren't I?" Roy unexpectedly asked.

Marth didn't want to lie to him but he didn't want to tell him the heart breaking truth either.

"No Roy, you're not gonna die. You'll make it." He answered holding back tears.

"At least you believe in me. No one else thinks so." Roy sighed.

Marth sat next to him." Everything is gonna be okay. After we destroy Robin, I'm gonna take you to the hospital and we can eat some ice cream especially strawberry banana ice cream cause I know that's your favorite."

"Ice cream sounds good right now."

"Don't worry. Everything will be over in no time." The blunette kissed his cheek.

Roy cupped Marth's cheeks with his hands and smashed his lips against his. Marth wrapped an arm around his waist pulling him close feeling his warmth.

"Marth," Roy let out a moan as he felt lips pressed against his neck.

Marth's fingers fumbled with the hem of Roy's shirt.

"Take it off," Roy whispered.

His shirt fell onto the ground same with Marth's.

The feeling of Roy's love was awakening Marth.

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