Chapter 31

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Shoutout @CelestiaStarlight for commenting,
@ShhhlmaPikachu, and @TylerQuinn13 for voting!

"If you really want to do something, you will find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse."

There stood a breathtaking man in a navy blue suit with fiery red tresses.

No else mattered to Marth but him. He was intriguing.

The way his body moved with the music and the desire that all the girls wanted to dance with him.

"No, Roy was mine." Marth clenched his fist.

The blunette fought his way through the crowd. Their ocean blue eyes connected.

"Marth." Roy whispered.

"Roy." Marth walked up to the redhead.

Roy wrapped his arms around his neck and the blunette placed his hands on his waist.

They turned, dipped within the beats, and moved with every muscle in their bodies.

Roy was dizzy from his touch and the redhead's scent engulfed Marth. Their bodies molded together. Every move Marth made was attached to Roy. The blunette could feel the beat of Roy's heart and his soft breath on his neck.

They were made to love each other and here they were together finally.

"Marth, wake up." A hand shook the blunette's shoulder.

His ocean blue orbs cracked open with salty tears.

Pit sat beside him with a worried look on his face.

"Pit," Marth's voice cracked as he wrapped an arm around his best friend sobbing into his pure white tunic.

"It's gonna be okay, Marth." Pit softly whispered.

"It'll be okay for you but not for me. You never lost Link like I've lost Roy."

"You're right but I lost my brother too."

"I'm sorry. I'm such an ass. It's not all about me."

The angel smiled." Keep living, Marth. You'll find someone. I know it."

Pit stood up." Come on, everyone is waiting on us. I told them I'd stay here with you until you woke up."

"Thanks, Pit."

The group sat at a table by the casino. Across from them laid a small beach.

"I kind of want to play badminton." Mac confesses watching a circle of boys and girls in the sand with rackets.

"I'll go if you go." Ike added.

"Let's go. We'll see y'all later."

A cute blonde in a lime green bikini walked past them.

"Or not." Mac changed his mind following after the girl.

"Mac!" Ike called him.

"We'll go with you Ike." Alvis insisted.

"We'll?" Shulk raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, we'll." Alvis dragged the blonde following Ike.

"I'll leave if you guys want me to." Marth suggested.

"No you can stay here." Pit assured.

"Yah, if you left you would've missed the best part." Link smirked at the blunette.

"What're you talking about?" Pit questioned.

The Hylian grabbed his hands."Pit, I didn't think I would ever fall in love with you. I'm glad I did fall in love with you. I'll go through hell and heaven with you Pit. I can't lose you. I want us to stay together. I know I don't have a ring or anything, but Pit, will you marry me? Also I won't take no for an answer."

"I guess that's not much of a choice then. Yes! I'll marry you, Link." The Angel jumped on to him as they kissed.

"Congrats." Marth smiled.

"I still want my ring." Pit glanced at the Hylian.

"You'll get it." Link ruffled his brown locks.

The End

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