Chapter 22

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I apologize for not updating in like years for personal reasons. You guys are awesome. I'm gonna try to update more often before school starts.
                      - SamanthaKay2468

"It takes someone really brave to be a mother, someone strong to raise a child and someone special to love someone more than herself."

   Robin strolled inside his castle being greeted by his dragons who bowed their heads.

   In the corner was a tied up girl with electric blue locks. Day after day she began to get thinner and thinner. Weaker and weaker.


"Someone is gonna find you Robin and you'll be sorry for what you did." She spat.

   "I beg your pardon?" The wizard raised an eyebrow.

  "You can't keep me tied up here like some animal!" Her eyes welled with tears." People are looking for me!"

   "There is no one left, Lucina. You will be alone. Starving and parched. Now you'll see the pain I have suffered through." Robin frowned.

   "What're you talking about? We lived in a royal castle. We got everything we desired. Your mother loved you."

  "That's a lie." Robin whispered.

"Huh?" Lucina had a puzzled look on her face.

   "If my mother loved me she wouldn't have locked me in a cage!" His fist collided with the wall startling her." She always loved my brother better. She didn't want nothing to do with me. It's like I didn't even exist. People would say" Your mother is so kind" or "I wish she was my mom." Too bad about her son."

   "Your mom never locked you in a cage. She loved Chrom and you equally. There was no favorites. Don't try to twist words around." Lucina argued.

    "She started to lock me away after you moved out so there would be no witnesses. You weren't there at the time so don't tell me it never happened! I deserve better than this. My mother is a horrible beast with bosoms. My brother didn't even know what happened to me. She would lie and tell him I was sent to live with my uncle. It hurt me that a lie that big was never solved."

    "What you're doing is wrong, Robin. Tying up your cousin and sending these creatures to kill people. Is what you really want?"

   Robin lowered his head." Yes. I want everyone to fear me."

   "Robin, please stop! You're mother wouldn't want this!" Lucina cried."

  "Who gives a damn what she wants. She never cared about me and I'm not gonna care about her. She deserves what she gotten. All the things she did to me only made me stronger. She's rotting to death and I'm not sorry."

  "Robin, what do you mean? Robin!" Her yelling ricocheted throughout the the castle.

   Robin walked up the stairs and entered into a dark room. The corpse of his mother laid in the center of the area. Her hair was matted and the leathery skin clinged to the skeleton. Robin smiled at the sight of it.

   "Mom what are you doing?" Robin yelled as his mother shoved him into a windowless room.

  "Locking you up for good. You're useless. Why can't you be more like your brother? He's handsome and smart. Two things you seem to be lacking."

  "Mom! I'm sorry." Robin cried banging on the door.

  "You say it but you don't mean it. No one will ever love you. The only way is to force them to love you. I can't believe you're my son. I'm so ashamed of you."

  "Mom!" Robin cried out as he no longer heard her voice.

  "How does it feel to be locked in a room, mother?" Robin sneered.


"That's right." He shut the door.

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