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Gerards POV

It was finally the end of the day, after three more agonizing classes. I had no classes with Frank after third period and it was horrid! But it wasn't like he ever talked to me, he just stared, and pretended I didn't notice.

I needed to get home and shower this gross school smell off and clean my room! I needed to study a little myself, I was so distracted today that I have no idea what we learned in Science, Math, or Literature today and I needed to know. I was in such a rush to leave that I almost didn't catch Frank who was standing by my locker which I didn't plan on visiting.

"You said 5:30 right?" He questioned so casually and care free that his words seeped bad ass. "Yeah." I confirmed readjusting my sidebag strap. "See you at 6." He said before walking off and not looking back. Why was I so smart? It had to be fun to be that laid back, not work so hard, and just live life.. I realized I was just standing in the nearly empty hallway staring off as Franks small frame disappeared into the crowd of kids. I drove home with excitment growing, not even acknowleging the fact that for some reason I had a boner, guy problems I guess, I don't know, it doesn't matter right now.

I showered, cleaned, and studied. Around six thirty there was a knock at my front door, I glanced over my living room, their were band posters hanging all over in nearly every room, except bathrooms, and the kitchen. I answered the door to Frank who looked amazing. His hair was always two colors, has been since I first saw him but when it was all brushed down it was amazing.

He was short but I couldn't imagine him being taller. He was perfect in front of me, and I felt unworthy near him. "Come in," I said and motioned him to the leather couch with a smile.
He nodded and walked his way there and plopped down carelessly, he's obviously not as nervous.

Franks POV

I was literally shaking with nerves as he opened the door but seeing the Fall Out Boy, Green Day, Black Veil Brides, Rob Zombie, and Aerosmith posters all over the wall I felt at ease and in good hands. "You like some badass music to be such a good kid," I said gazing around. "Thanks.. I don't try to be so lame all the time, I just really need to pass to be a writer and all." He said gazing around as well. I locked my eyes in on him and stared in shock, "You write?" He looked into my eyes as well with the best smile I've ever seen. "Yeah.. almost as much as I read." (Which was a lot) "But I draw more than anything?" He was so talented.
"Let me see a drawing then, yeah?" I challenged and he nodded and went to get a sketchbook from a nearby bookshelf. He showed me a drawing off a beautiful young woman, with stitches running over her arms and up to her neck. "Wow... It's perfect Gerard."

And it really was, he had this warming vibe coming off of him and it made me want to lean up and kiss him, but my fear kept me back. "What else can you do?" I knew there was more, he looks like there is. "I can sing a little I guess, what about you?" He was trying to change the subject but I wasn't having it. "Sing for me.. something you wrote." I said seeing the song lyrics written so beautifully on the paper next to the drawing. "I uh.." "Do it." I cut him off and he sighed.

"I never said I'd lie and wait forever, if I died we'd be together right now. I can't always just forget her... but she could try! As he handles the world, or the last thing I see you are never coming home, never coming home." He shut the book cutting himself off and throwing it aside gently.
"What's the song called?" I asked in shock, he had a beautiful voice! And the lyrics were perfect. "It's still untitled." He said calmly, how was this so simple for him? I was dying of nerves. "What about you?" He asked quietly standing up and walking around. "I play guitar." I said simply. "Oh really? Acoustic, bass, or electric?" He asked me stopping his mechanical pace around the room.
"All except for electric." I said back looking at the way the light hit his stark black hair. It was beautiful, and utter perfection. "I can't play worth a shit." He said giving me a grin.

"Well, It's not easy I guess." I shrugged feeling the awkward air tighten around us. "Right, so then should we study for the exam tomorrow?" Gerard said breaking the awkward silence and reaching for a text books. "So it was originally said that the planets revolved around the stars in the universe, but that was later thought to be wrong. So scientists studied into it a bit, and discovered that the stars actually don't revolve at all,much like the moon they never change nor move."

Gerard looked amazing all caught up in explaining but I was so bored listening to all this. "As it seen today all of these people were wrong, the moon does move, and so does the shadow on the moon.. the sun is the thing we all revolve around as one big center, because it is the center of our universe the Milky Way which resembles a saw blade." I groaned and he looked up with a smirk, "this is so boring Gerard." I complained. "Well... it's important Frank, so just bare with me." He said sounding so adult like. I nodded and propped up on my palm, we're going to be here for a while.
And two hours later I was proven right. At eight he sent me home with a smile and a 'keep safe'

Sadly we didn't kiss, we didn't even hug.. and it was disappointing but I was happy with it and it was great that he officially knew that me. Frank Anthony Iero was a live person.

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