For Now.

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I realize you guys messaging me and telling me, 'hey you're pushing them away? I thought this ended happily ever after.' Chill your breasts okay? There's a struggle to every smile and Gerard going into rehab and Frank finding Andy is a struggle that will cause big smiles so calm down and strap in for the feel coaster that the next few chapters are, and get your jars washed for the butterfly fest after the feelacoaster.

Franks POV
"Come on Frank. Lets go in and get you in some warm clothes." Andy picked me up and carried me out of the freezing rain as I breathed in and out, in and out. "Thats it dear. Deep breaths, you can do this. You're okay now. I've got you." Andy calmed me with the words of an angel as he helped me into a sweater and some soft leggings.
He picked me up from my slumped down, looking at the floor, broken down stance and carried me to a couch. It was soft and smelled like vanilla the beautiful cream carpets and coffee colered walls illuminated by a small lamp. Andy kissed my forehead and went off to what I guess was the kitchen. Was this where I was? In another mans house, finding comfort in his every move? Where is Gerard right now? What is going on outside of this little apartment and fantasy world Andy laid me into when he saw me crying.
But was that my concern anymore? Was the outside world in any need of my input? No... I could have taken my last breath this morning and whatever was happening outside of that hospital wouldn't have changed. The truth was it didn't matter where I was and at this point I didn't care as long as Andy was going to be there with me. And it was okay that I felt that way for now.

Andy's POV
Franks quiet whimpers came to a silence and I knew he was trapped in thought as I prepared Pasta for us. I saw him crying and I stepped in to help. He explained to me that Gerard Way was a tutor of his, a boy that Frank had admired for some time and was in love with the boy. Gerard got drunk at a party so Frank and Gerard's little brother laid Gerard down and ended up fucking.. and then Frank woke up, got punched by Gerard, had a seizure, his liver was covered in scar tissue and his kidneys ached from being full of blood and alcohol. Gerard sang a song to Frank with the voice of an angel and walked away.
The kid had a story as to why he was crying but that was also the story as to why he's so violently broken and in my hands. Gerard Way took him into his hands and tore him apart piece by piece.
I heated the pasta and let it cool before taking it to the small man with a tear stained, eye liner smeared, and purplish nose face. Even this hurt he looked perfect, Gerard was a monster for hurting him at all. If Frank admired me I'd treasure it to the very day I died. "Thank you Andy. Just for this.. taking me in, and holding me like that. You're amazing." I just nodded and smoothed out his rain soaked hair the best I could.
"The thing I miss most about him is that he used to sing to me." Frank admitted finishing his pasta, I didn't have the heart to touch mine, I just spoke with Frank, studying his little unique movements.
"I can sing to you Frankie." I picked him up, carried him to my room, flipped out the light, pulled his clothes off leaving him in his boxers and undressing myself as he shuffled into the blankets. I crawled in and he nuzzled into my side. "Show me what you got." He said a small smile tugging at his lips, it was perfect, to see him feeling at least bittersweet instead of just shattered like when I found him. "Bet you only need the light when it's burning low, bet you only miss the sun when it starts to snow. Only know your lover when you let her go. Only know you've been high when you're feeling low, only hate the road when you're missing home. Only know your lover when you let her go.. and you let her go."
I sang through my favorite Passenger song and he was dreary eyed and sleepy but a lazy smile took over his features. That right there was perfect. "That was amazing Andy... sing it again." I kissed his forehead and cuddled him closer and by the time I finished the song for the second time Frank was sleeping soundly next to me. I smiled, sighed in content, and fell asleep. It was perfectly fine that Frank was here, and it was okay that I was falling for him. Its all calm and it's all okay, for now.
Gerard's POV.
"Okay lights out," Lindsey said through a light smile as she finished off a laugh at previously made remark. We had talked on and off from the time I arrived this afternoon and she was really cool and she had a kid named Bandit who was adorable in the pictures I had seen. I ended up spilling to her all about Frank and all about everything that happened. She was really calm and comforting and actually made me laugh.
Where was Frank right now? I hope he's okay.. I hope hes not still stuck at the hospital, I hope he isn't hurt to bad about me leaving like I did, I hope he's okay. I hated not knowing more than anything especially when it was about someone I loved.
I hated not knowing about Elena when she got sick. I hated not knowing about Mikey when he became suicidal. I hated not knowing about mom when she passed away. I hated not knowing about dad when he was beat to death in prison. I hated not knowing about Frank after I walked out on him while he laid on his potential death bad. I hated not knowing... but I would be stuck not knowing for a while... I wouldn't know about Frank at all for two months... and that had to be okay. For now.

Hey the song that Andy sung to Frank is called Let Her Go by Passenger. My step dad dedicated this song to my mother while he was in jail and its always been a very pretty, very relatable, very amazing song. The attached video is that song and if you don't know it give it a listen for me and tell me what you think. And if you do know the song give it a listen anyway and let me know your story to the song and how you heard it, and your opinions on it.


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