I'm Really Not Okay.

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Rays POV
I couldn't take Gerard in there he had Pot and cocain in his system, jail time would be definitely required if they did any tests on him. It was just a bad reaction from the drugs he was breathing still and at a steady normal pace, he was cold at the touch though. I picked him up, he was surprising light as I carried him away from the hospital, I'd have to check on Frank in a few months, but I think this was it for the two boys. Gerard jerked upwards in my arm and I rubbed his back softly. "You're alright Gerard. Just take it easy okay?" Gerard didn't respond he just leaned on my shoulder and cried softly, I know he already missed Frank.

Gerard's POV
That party. Those pills. That alcohol. That house. My brother. My crush. My heart. My addiction. My life. My mind. Frank... it was all pointless and broken, and what was I to say about it? Nothing, because it's not important anymore, it's all ruined. I missed Frank and I wanted to know if he was okay or not, I wanted to see him to hold him, to just have him next to me again. He left me at that party and it all went south. No he was acting bad in class and it all went south. No he kissed me and it all went south. No, I fell in love and it all went south. This is my fault and Frank is left in the ruins, and I am the ruins..

Franks POV.

I wanted to rip all of the wires free, to tear all my veins apart, to pull that chord or down that bottle of pills the nurse left behind... I wanted Gerard to hold me and dry my face.
I reached up a pale and shaky hand to wipe my face and it just made me cry more. "Sir are you alright?" A young man stepped in and sat down beside my bed, who was he? "Yeah... I'm okay." I said as his soft thumb dried away a tear which made me smile and relax. "I'm Frank, nice to meet you." I said holding out my hand for him. A smile broke out on his face and he shook my hand gladly. "Hi Frank, I'm Andy. Nice to meet you as well." We spoke for hours and hours.
"So why are you here Frank?" He asked leaning back against the chair he was placed in. "Alcohol poisoning, what about you?" He pointed to enlarged Adams apple. "Throat issues, I'm a Singer."
"My friend Gerard is a Singer." I blurted the words and my heart squeezed hard. "Oh really? Like your boyfriend?" My heart just went limp and kept an almost steady beat.
"N-no. .. he said he liked me but he just walked out on me." Andy gave me a small nod. "Awh I'm sorry Frank. My boyfriend left me a few months ago too." I nodded and nurse stepped. "You're released Frank." I took the liberty of pulling the tubes and wires off with much bleeding and small amounts of pain.
. "I don't really have anywhere to go." I said as I pulled my clothes on discarding the robe. "Oh that's okay.. come on to my house. I don't mind." I nodded and we walked outside. "Its still raining." Before I could protest he picked me up, used himself as an umbrella and ran to a black sedan.
He opened the door for me and rushed around to get in. He's a breath taker, I'll give him that. "So Frank. Do you like pasta or soup more?" What kind of question? "Pasta obviously. Soup gives me the creeps." He chuckled and nodded, "okay, those to are basically all I ever eat." I didn't have an issue with that, and it explained how sickly thin he was.
"Cool." I gave him a small examine. He was thin, pale, artistic, smart, quiet, he had a deep voice, he was beautiful.. he wasn't like Gerard at all. Gerard was mezmorozing, and Andy was astonishing. My heart didn't know which way to pull, but for the time being, Ill let it pull for Andy.. because he cared more than Gerard. A small corner of my heart tore slightly and I literally heard the blood in my mind, it wasn't fair... I wanted Gerard to be my future. A tear slid down my face and when we pulled up to an apartment Andy opened my door, and just hugged me. It was pouring rain, and it was freezing, but this was perfect. I needed this, and Andy was there... he was just so... comforting.
Gerard's POV
Ray gave me a small smile as we pulled up to the rehab center. We walked in and a nurse greeted us, expecting our arrival since the call when I calmed down from this morning. "Hi Gerard I'm Lindsey. I'll be your nurse for your time here. Its nice to meet you, Ill show you around." She was beautiful... the place was beautiful. This was where I'd be.. where I'd be until I got Frank back.. until I got sober.
Rays POV
Gerard gave me a hug and I drove off, not planning to be back for two months on his pick up day, he'd be a different man then, he'd be my best friend again.
I drove past a small apartment complex and saw a really tall and thin man holding Frank close. What the hell? Frank was obviously crying and the man was stroking his hair and whispering something to him over and over again. I was pissed beyond belief but I kept driving, I wasn't going to tell Gerard.. he'll find out and beat the kid to death.. until then Id watch the two. Their little romance.

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