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Franks POV
I woke up like always except I felt different. I felt happy like I had a reason to go to school today other than to see Dan, the new kid from the UK. The only kid who's ever spoken to me, and the only kid who will get in trouble with me if I want to.
Now I had a friend of some sort, Gerard... well isn't he your tutor? He didn't let off any hint of liking me as in having feelings for me.. but he was so friendly to me, I think we bonded. I got dressed in my normal attire some random Greenday shirt, a black pair of skinny jeans, and a jacket. I almost never looked any different, and I didn't care, there was no need in dwelling on what I wear.

I walked to school with my light bag next to me, I left all my books in my locker anyway. If faith liked me I'd live closer to Gerard, but no, he lived on a much cleaner side of Jersey, and well I lived a few miles away in the worst part of this place.
It was closer to town, school, and the vacant hospital grounds where Frank would waste his time day after day wondering around and thinking to himself about the world, the past, his future, and just his life. It kept him sane.

Life was not a book for Frank, you couldn't just know that he was going to fall in love, or that there was a happy ending. No he was probably going to rott away by himself, and that didn't bother him. Frank looked a bit scary, although short and severely thin he knew no one would dare mess with him.
Dan met him on campus with a smile. "Hey! How did your study session go with Gerard?" Dan and I walked twoards our lockers. "It was okay I guess. He's pretty cool, and can draw pretty well. He writes too, and his voice when he sings it great, but I think he just wants to be my friend."
It sucked to say but I couldn't change someone's feelings, but wouldn't it be nice if I could? "Awh, I'm sorry mate, maybe he does and he's scared." Dan said getting his books and shutting his locker. "Phill was scared to tell me." Dan commented about his old boyfriend from the UK which he left because of distance. I saw a tear forming in his eye, "No, no, none of that." I said and wiped the tear away and he nodded and walked to class.
I followed to my class, passing Gerard who looked a little disoriented, I wish I knew why.
Gerards POV
I was going to talk to Frank but I backed up and sighed when I saw him reach out and brush a tear from that boys face. He was taken, taken and not by me. He gave me a side glance when he walked past me. Focus Gee, you're in school to learn, he needed a tutor, he's dumb! You don't need to fall for an idiot!

Except he wasn't dumb, he just didn't to behave. And at this point neither did I. The bell wouldn't ring for a few minutes and I needed a cigarette. It was Friday, there's a party happening somewhere and though Frank didn't have friends he was at every party with that Dan kid and tonight I'd be there too. I stepped off campus and lit a cigarette, people stared at me in slight shock.
People thought I was a perfect kid and seeing me smoking was probably new to them. The bell rang and for the first time in my life I'd be late to class. I stepped on my cigarette and went inside.

The teacher gave me a strange look and I felt Franks eyes staring. "Right. Gerard, go to the office now!" The teacher seemed a bit angry with Frank. "You to Iero! I'm sure you had something to do with this. Disruptive behavior." Frank stood up, marched up the teachers desk. Grabbed her mug and smashed it against the ground just before he threw her books at the shelf sending pencils, papers, and other supplies scattering and shocked students into a fit of laughter. "Fuck you." Frank said and marched out.
I followed close behind, "I'm leaving, you coming?" Frank asked not even looking back at me. "Sure." I said and we left together flipping off the shocked princable.
"Are you ever going back?" I asked him as we walked down the street in the way of the empty hospital grounds. "Probably not." He didn't even care, so why should I? "That party tonight, where is it?" I asked causing Frank to finally look at me.
"Who are you gonna go with?" I thought for a minute, none of my friends were into that kind of stuff. "No body, gonna go alone." I said shrugging as we entered the empty area, away from traffic, or people in general. The only noises being us and nature, and it was perfect, like we had entered a new galaxy.
"Hey, you can go with Dan and I." Frank offered and I smiled. "Sure, I'd love too." I felt butterflies litteraly have a mosh pit in my stomach.
"Dan, is he your boyfriend? Are you even -into guys?" I asked quietly, nerves taking over.
"Dan's a good friend of mine actually. Yeah I'm into guys though. How about you? Any body you got your eyes on?" He sat down and motioned for me to do the same, we were in an old garden type thing. "Well.." Frank smiled, "Total honesty!" I didn't follow the rules though, that wouldn't be.. I don't know why I didn't. "Dan I would guess... he's got nice hair." Frank kind of giggled, "You're so lying Gee I can tell! Come on tell me!" I sighed and facepalmed.
"You Frank." He went quiet and pale and leaned forward. "Really?" He asked swallowing. "Y-yes." I felt exposed like this. "Can I kiss you?" He asked quietly. "Sure I guess."

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