Taking It Slow.

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Franks POV.

As we walked closer to the small home it came to my mind that I had never been in Gerards house over night. When he opened the door the scent of vanilla and cinnamon hit me and it was quite calming. "Mikeys been making sure I don't get robbed.. I guess he kept the dust away and all." Gerard said wondering in and to his room. "I'm gonna change clothes. Just make yourself at home."
I glanced around at everything and it was amazing. There were paintings, drawings, and sketches on the wall and they were also amazing. He was really good at drawing. I had seen all of these things before but it was so refreshing after two months curled up in a bloody smelling bed.
The whole house was just so comfortable and I was happy to be here, I just felt like Gerard should be teaching me stuff. And that's what he had in mind because he came back with a few text books. "Okay so we left while they were starting unit seven so they're probably on unit nine now. So we've got a lot of review to cover." I nodded and sat down, I need to be serious I don't want to be held back while Gerard graduates.
So we studied math, science, literature, chemistry, and history. We started at 8:30 PM and finished at 10:56. Gerard smiled as he closed the book. "Yeah.. there was that paper that we needed to write for literature and it's not due until this Friday. Want to start it?"
It amazed me how Gerard kept up with assignments from months ago. "Sure.. what's it about?" He turned to a page in his notebook and read it quietly for a minute. If you've ever seen Gerard read you'd know why it made me blush. He focuses intently and his eyes scan so smoothly like they're gently combing through every single letter and you can just feel his intelligence when he explains things and when he is teaching.
"What makes us feel like starting a revolution. Much like in the book we read in unit four, what makes us stand up and fight? What can push us just over the edge?" He examined his notes as he read and I nodded. "Here. Ive got a few blank notebooks in the back. All of your stuff is still in your locker." I nodded and he stood up and walked down the hall and sat there thinking. I had a brilliant idea. After I presented this they wouldn't see me as some little street rat, they'd see me as smart, at least I hope so.
"Okay here you go."
He tossed me a notebook and a few pens and settled down going to work and I did the same, letting everything spill free.
It was 2:32 AM when I finished and Gerard finished soon after, I looked at the clock and sighed, "Its late.. let's get some sleep." Gerard said and I nodded.
I figured I'd be sleeping on the couch so it didn't surprise me when I ended up on the couch. "Goodnight Frank. Second door on the left if you need me." I nodded and he walked off after flipping out the light.
I settled back and fell off into a peaceful sleep.
The next morning.

"Frankie.. wake up." I slowly opened my eyes to a wet haired Gerard. His hair was dripping down his shoulder and he had a towel around his waist. I had fallen asleep in the clothes I was wearing so I didn't have to get ready. "Morning." I muttered and rubbed my eyes. "Sleep okay?" He asked heading for the kitchen and talking over his shoulder, "Yeah I slept pretty well. How about yourself?"
"Okay I guess, how do you take your coffee?" He was so normal sounding in the morning, my voice was always scratchy in the morning. "Black." I guess he had been awake long enough to shower so maybe that was why. "Strange but okay. I think we'll probably both get a pretty good scolding for leaving like that. But if they put you on the boarding floor I'll be put down there with you and I'll make sure."
He finished his statement while setting a mug in front of me and sitting down on the couch next to me, still with just a towel wrapped around his waist and I felt my face flush. "How would you make sure?" I asked settling back on the couch. "Oh Frankie.. I'd make sure." He smirked and then looked at me with hazel eyes, so bright to be this early, I guess he was more of a morning person than me. "I'm gonna go get dressed." He said and ruffled my hair before leaving the room, I put on my shoes and raked a hand through my hair. My cell phone was on the coffee table and I had a few messages.

Andy: Frankie what's going on?
Andy: I understand what Mikey said may have hurt you but we can talk this over everythings gonna be alright just come back.
Andy: I saw you today.
Andy: Did you leave town?
Andy: Bye fuck you.

I sighed and just brushed off the wave of nausea from the thoughts of the things me and Andy did and drank my coffee rather quickly. Gerard rounded the corner in black skinny jeans, and a jacket over a black shirt. He looked amazing with his hair arranged and fixed like it was at the moment. "I'm thinking about dying my hair, what do you think?" I stood up and walked over to him, carding my hand over a strand and smiled. "You should cut it. And dye it red." I said smiling. "Okay I guess that would be pretty cool." I smiled, "It'd be great!" I said rather excited, "but you have to let me take control, I'll dye it, and cut it, you just chill." He nodded and we headed out the door his bag on his side and my notebook and paper in hand.
Gerard lit a cigarette mirroring my actions as we began the walk. "Gerard.. I know we're taking it slow and all, but are we taking it slow as friends, or are we together and taking it slow?" He contimplated the thought and nodded. "Together and taking it slow." I smiled and gave him a tight hug, I hated taking things slow but that's how I was gonna get Gerard and Ya know, take it or leave it.

Soul Mates (Ferard)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن