Back To School.

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Gerard's POV

Franks hug was adorable and I sort of wish he would hug me again but I need to take things slow, if I rush into this we'll fuck, and Frank will waltz right out of my life and that's not what I want at all.
We went straight to the office to make sure it was okay Frank returned to class and of course if I was about to have to get put on boarding hall. "Mr.Way and Iero. Just the two we've been meaning to speak to. Both of you, back room." I nodded and headed back to the room with Frank close behind. He had a look of pure hatrid on his face and I could tell he'd much rather be anywhere else, even hell if he could tunnel fast enough.
"Mr.Way it's come to my attention that there's a rumor claiming you went to a party with Iero. And Iero got alcohol poisoning and you were admired to rehab for a cocain addiction." Mrs.Lee said sitting down with the most annoying look ever and Frank looked a little to small as he slumped back in his seat. "Yes ... but I've fully recovered and Frank is much healthier.. and we have some assignments that we made up and I've been tutoring him.." She eyes us and sighed. "Frank you have detention for the rest of the year with Gerard since you Mr.Way shot me the bird, and Frank you will also be doing extra credit work in order to pass this year and graduate. Since Gerard here is such an amazing tutor I'm sure he won't have an issue helping you and the next time I hear about either of you at a party Gerard is in boarding and Frank is failed. Get to class now."
Frank stood up and walked out and I followed close behind neither of us talking. "Hey Gerard you don't have to tutor me and all that.. I can do extra credit alone and if I fail it won't be that bad I guess." I sighed as I approached my locker and he walked down about four to his. "Don't be rediculos I'd love to help." I pulled my locker open and papers hit my foot folded and creased and I bent down and unfolded them.
Crack head.
Coke addiction?
Pill Popper.

Frank was in the same ordeal at his locker but he had a shocked look. In bright highlighters and markers I could make out the words
He walked over to me and handed me a sheet of paper.
Mikey Way has STD's..I sighed and patted Franks head. "No. He doesn't, we both get those examines every month." He nodded and went to trash the papers and I did the same. "I can't imagine the rumors and the hell we're gonna catch today." Frank muttered as we neared Literature. "Brave face baby."

"Iero. Way. Welcome back. We are presenting our papers which I assume you haven't written so just have a seat."
"We've written them." I said quietly and she looked a little taken back. "Okay.. take a seat and we'll get to you." Frank made his way back first with stares, giggles, smirks, and even a hair pull which he ignored surprisingly. After speeches about politic, racist comments, drug addicts, and pollution she called Frank up to read. People watched with hungry eyes as Frank took his spot in front to read.

"What really bothers me is a concept we don't speak about to often but it happens every day, all over, twenty four hours a day. Homophobia is a serious issue and is causing a domino affect of issues along the world. Homosexual teens or confused teens and adults are being bullied, judged, and even asked to leave on a daily basis and it's led to self mutilation, suicide, and worse. Its caught my attention how it is a growing problem and is ignored while racisim, sexism, and other judgment issues are glorified while homophobia is what makes me want to stand up about it? The fact that it's increasingly getting closer and closer to home and it needs to be stopped immediately before it gets worse because I and every other homosexual won't stand for it. Take this note for me, homophobia is gay. Keep that in mind and think before you judge."
There was a rustling of chairs and bodies as people settled back after the small speech which I found moving. My speech was about taxes . Fucking taxes.
It was like Frank ranted about something that mattered and I complained about cigarettes, gas prices, and oil. Nice.. and I'm supposed to be the artist.

When the final bell ring me and Frank had caught hell. He had things like slut, faggot, blades, and emo yelled at him all day. I was called pills and coke addict at least 12 times. At lunch where we sat in the library and talked about the weather we got books thrown at us and finally the worst came.

I was standing at my locker when I heard the loud sound of metal hit something and turned to see Frank pushed against a locker, nose already dripping blood, a blonde kid who was way taller than me or Frank yanked him by his hair and threw him down. Frank didnt fight back, he wasn't that rebel bad ass I left behind because honestly he had slipped and I could really tell. Two hands grabbed my shoulders and I was thrown down and someone stepped on my face. Litterally ouch. They didn't step hard but my nose was bleeding and I could feel my forehead bruising. Frank got kicked in the stomach at least four times and before I was kicked in the throat I saw him spit out a little blood.
When we were finally left alone the people watching looked slightly terrified with what they saw of us. I saw Frank struggle to pull himself up so I forced myself to my feet with gritted teeth from pain and picked him up. Mikey was staring at us in the crowd and I mentally disowned my brother. "Come on baby it's alright let's go." He nodded and coughed a little with blood splattering slightly in front of him and he flinched.
I led him to a teachers bathroom and locked the door. He leaned against the wall and I wet some tissue and went to clean him up. "Chin up." I instructed gently wiping away the blood from his nose, chest, and dabbed some from a cut above his collar bone. "Gee.. you're bruised up so bad." But honestly I didn't care. He was hurt and it was my fault for dragging him here. "Relax.. I'm okay baby. Are you alright?" I asked and gently fixed his hair. "I'm fine Gerard.. please ... just back up I'm dizzy and you're making it worse baby... just tend to yourself." I nodded and backed up and went to the mirror where I nearly fainted but Frank was like a bullet and rushed to steady me.
"Thank you.." I muttered and he nodded before reaching up and gently cleaning me as well. There was a dark bruise lining my jaw and his stomach was dotted with bruises and marks. "I'm so sorry I dragged you here.. and this happened but..I didn't know it would be so bad and-" He reached up, grabbed my neck, and kissed me.

Franks POV.

I knew he wanted to take it slow but changing his mind couldn't be to hard.. plus he looked so guilty.

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