I Think This Is Called Love...

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Franks POV.

I woke up alone in bed and my eyes stung from crying. I heard music coming from the next room and talking. I looked down at the floor and pulled on a sweater and sweatpants. What are Andy and I? What are Gerard and I? I shook the thought of Gerard away before it could make me well up again.
I walked into the living area where Andy smiled warmly at me and opened his arms for a hug. "This is Frank. Frank this is Ashley a really good friend of mine." I hugged Andy and smiled at Ashley. He waved slightly shy and returned the smile. "Nice to meet you." I said and Andy ruffled my already messy hair. "How'd you sleep?" I thought about it, I didn't wake up over and over again and I didn't have bad dreams. "Wonderful." I said and he smiled.
I felt at a loss for words with that smile and I could hardly breathe in the presence of Andy. What was he doing to me? "I'm gonna go get a shower," I said and Andy nodded.
"Go down that hall, take the second left. There's a cabinet right next to the door the towels are there. You have to fumble with the knob for a second or two." I smiled and took my chances with leaving up on my very tippy toes and pecked his cheek. He blushed and smiled and I walked off.
Today I wanted to look nice, almost have a bit of fun. Be a slight tease to Andy. I would look the best I could just for him.

Gerard's POV.
Lindsey smiled at me and sat a few pills down in front of me. "Time for meds. How Ya doing?" I sighed and took the pills. "I'm okay, not feeling to well." She nodded and scribbled that down onto a clipboard, Lindsey was cool but she still had to do her job. "Withdrawal sickness. Normal of course, may be strong for a while. I know this sounds dumb but I'm required to ask. Any suicidal thoughts?"
"Do you feel like you're a danger to yourself or others?"
"Are you having any urges to hurt or harm anything or anyone, including yourself?"
She nodded and sat her clipboard down, "Sorry about all the strange questions. Ray asked that we kept you on suicide watch." She explained pushing her blonde hair back from her eyes. "It's okay he is just looking out for me." I said smiling slightly sad.
"How are you about the whole Frank thing?" She seemed generally interested in my problems, but wasn't that her job? "Hurts.. but I'll be okay. The day I leave here I'll go to him." She nodded and smiled, "that's the best way to look at it. Recovery won't last forever and you'll be up and out of here in no time. Take it day by day, hour by hour, and focus on Gerard."
I nodded and looked for comfort in her words. "I know this is stupid of me but a part of suicide watch is I have to check your wrists, torso, and legs." She seemed a bit squirmish about the whole body check idea, and I didn't like it to much either.
I rolled my sleeves back and she examined. "Scars nothing recent." She said what she was writing since I did have a right to know. She reached down and ran her finger over a particular one that was deeper than others. She kissed her finger tip and softly drug it along every scar. "You're a good guy Gerard. Don't do things like this anymore. Leave it in your past." I nodded and she gave me a warm smile. She check my torso, which was scar free. She checked my legs which I found to be worse than my arms. She winced and leaned back scribbling something down. "Scars from about a year ago. Clean."
She smiled and ran a hand through my hair. "Good job." I smiled back and she left to read like I was when she walked in. But this time I felt loved.
I missed Frank more than anything. I wanted to see him, and I wanted to know.
Franks POV
"You've been a bad boy." Andy hissed pushing me against the door that Ashley had just left from after staying for hours of me just doing things to tease Andy. Did it feel right being held by Andy? Yeah it truely did.. because Gerard had never held me. I was held my Mikey for one night and it wasn't enough, I wanted to feel loved, and whoring around was going to get me there.
"Have I daddy?" I breathed as he trailed his tongue down my neck lighting pleasure down my spine. I started doing something that was sick in several forms but I carried on. I imagine it was Gerard, and that's how this was all gonna work. Id screw around imagining until I got the real deal.
He pulled at my hair and I tilted my head back and whimpered... I whimpered, Andy was the first guy to ever make me whimper. Ever. And it was sick, slutty, vile, filthy, and God I loved it.

3 hours later.
Andy was in the kitchen cooking and I was fixing my hair, Mikey texted and wanted to come talk, considering the circumstances and talking it over with Andy we decided to give the kid a shot and secretly I wanted to know what Gerard had been up to... The door rang and I sprang up, "Company!" Mikey looked a little tired... that's an understatement.
His eyes were rimmed with dark purple, his skin was pale, his hair was in need of arranging as it sat flat against his dull and sleepless face. "Come in." Andy's deep voice said and Mikey stepped inside shaking Andy's hand. "I don't mean to stay long Frank but Ray requested I leave a message, don't get angry with me because these aren't my words. "
I nodded and braced myself to hear about Gee or something of that nature. "You are a whore Frank Iero. I can't believe you are already on your next Fuck not even a day after you had sex with a boy. Gerard loves you! Gerard wants you back so damn bad. He's in rehab and if you knew Gerard you'd know what for. Pills Frank, he collapsed, he's on suicide watch and is going to be ready for you to come back in two months. Who knows how many men you'll have slept with by then."
I wasn't ready for that Mikey left quickly and I just stood there. "Frankie..." I slapped Andy as hard as I could. "You're not Gerard!" I screamed. Changed as fast as I could and ran home to my apartment where I sliced my wrists beyond beliefe..
Numb and I'd be numb until Gerard got back.

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