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Franks POV.
My head was spinning when I woke up. Pain was boring into me, I was laying next to someone. Thin arms wrapped around me, not Gerard's. No, no, no, is Gerard okay?
I pushed the arms up and heard a groan, I looked over at him and sighed. "Who are you?" I asked quietly. "Gerard's brother Mikey." He said pulling on his glasses.
"Oh no, did we sleep together?" I said looking around and pulling on my clothes. "Yeah.." I facepalmed and groaned. "No dear God. Where's Gerard?"
"His friend Ray found him asleep and there in the next room." I wanted to slap the kid but how was he supposed to know what was going on between Gerard and I?

I rushed over to the next door and saw Gerard and a frizzy haired kid sitting next to him. They were both awake and Gee had tears in his eyes and he looked at me and gritted his teeth. Ray tried to grab him but failed and Gerard slammed his fist dead into my nose.

Now if it had been anybody else I would have fought back and I would have won but it was Gerard and I loved him, no matter what. My thinking Gerard couldn't hurt anyone if he we're assaulted was a mistake. Blood poured out of my nose at alarming rates and I got light headed.
Ray pushed Gerard back and I felt my body falling forward slowly but steadily. "Woa woa woa buddy you good?" Ray said rushing over to me and pushing my head back to keep me steady. "Sorry, sorry, it's just the whole blood thing that bothers me." Gerard didn't even look phased he just stood there gritting his teeth. "You left me in a bed alone drunk! You slept with my brother! And pretend it's all good!" He yelled and I felt my eyes roll back, all vision gone. "Gerard, lay off." I heard a voice say.
Rays POV
The kid sat there and when his eyes rolled back and I panicked. "Oh God.." Gerard said as the boys muscles started getting really bad spams. "Come on.. talk to me." I said quietly.
"Frankie, Frankie can you hear me." He nodded a little only responding to Gerard. "Talk to me." I said and his eyes rolled back to normal. "I don't.. I don't know." He said dryly. He sat up and blinked. "Hey it's been fun and all but I gotta go." He stood up shakily and halfway out the door he hit the ground and went into seizure. "He doesn't have an issue with blood, he's got severe alcohol poisoning." Right when that was said Frank threw up and I rushed to call an ambulance.
Gerard's POV
I was angry but Frank was in danger. I held his tongue out for him, in health class I heard they could die if it rolled back in there mouth. He stopped shaking and laid limp and I felt bad for hitting him. Having had alcohol poisoning I know it doesn't cause episodes until you see bright light or get hit directly.
"Come on Frank, you're alright." I said as he made little grunting noises and the sirens outside got louder. "Baby please." Mikey rushed into the hallway and stared in horror. "I can't.... head hurts... gonna die." He muttered and started vomiting stomach acid.
Paramedics rushed in and I ran behind Ray chasing and Mikey just kind of standing there in shock. Dick.
"What happened?" Asked a paramedic as Ray and I climbed in the ambulance and they laid the spastic and seizure overcome Frank down and pulled out a needle I gagged and looked away. Ray patted my shoulder and reassured me. "Alcohol poisoning. He got hit in the nose." Ray explained.
"His nose is swollen and slightly purple, it's broken in several spots. Its blocking his air way and his throat is swollen from vomiting. His vitals are low and his liver is failing." I just killed Frank..
"He's seizing. Hold him down pull the tongue and clamp it." They moved quick as a bullet and pulled his tongue out, clamped it and stuck a large needle of novicane into his arm and throat. "Its okay Frank...relax." Ray said calmly and Frank nodded before passing out. "Hurry. Hook up the IV. Cover the needle wounds. Ice down the nose." All of these orders were shouted as they rolled Frank quickly down the hall.
"You guys can't enter!" And two doors slammed us away from Frank who was vomiting blood. "What have I done." I choked out and fell to my knees in a fit of sobs.

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