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Its been two weeks since Jessie died. I dont know what to do I just lay in bed all day. Jc will bring me food or the kids.

Marie has already left again. she told us not to tell Luke she is okay. I'm fine just fine with that.

Right now its just me. I'm home alone. well nit really the kids are here but they are sleeping.

There is a knock on my door. dang I have to get up. I get up and walk down the stairs.

I get to the door and look through the peep hole. its Mikey and Calum. they actually knocked how nice.

I open the door and Mikey smiles at me. Calum also smiles at me.

"Look Tazz I know I messed up but I want one mor chance with our kids"
"Kid not kids Mikey"
"Tazz what are you talking about"
"Jessie was killed in a car accident two weeks ago. I tried to get a hold of you but-"

I couldn't finish cause the tears took over. Mikey hugged me after he hit the wall. Calum and Mikey both lost their smiles when I told them the news.

Jc has been gone a lot lately. Danny has been taking care of me. next time he leave I'm going to follow him.


Mikey and Calum left. Jc came home for a few moments then left. I got in my car and followed him.

He went to a trailer. I stayed in the trees. then I heard what I didnt want to hear. out of all the things.

"Dont worry I'm going to dump Tazz tonight and I'm all yours"
"Oh Jc I cant wait."

That ass hole. I get in my car and drive. I blast the music and cry. I dont care where I end up.

I pull up to a motel and get a room. it pretty late now. I find a blade in the room.

Its tempting to cut with it just sitting there. but at the same time I know better.

I pick the blade up and flush it down the toilet. I just lay on the bed and think.

I need to go for a walk. yep that's all. I put a jacket on and go to the nearest park.

As I'm walking I see a girl running and limping. she runs up to me.

"Help hes after me he took me. my brother, rape, help,"

All she does is point to a guy running towards me. I hurry and go through my purse. I pull out my gun.

I point it at the man four feet away with a knife. oh thank god my gun is loaded today.

Ive seen this man before. brown hahas blue eyes, tan. oh god it cant be. my ex boyfriend. Izak was a nice guy.

Then he took a fall for his brother. his brother was on trial for "killing someone" when he was with me. his brother said he did it.

How sweet right. well in prison he killed four other cell mates for getting in his face. now I guess hes out.

"Tazz is that you"
"Izak I swear I will shoot you"
"No you wont"

The next thing I knew cops had me in handcuffs. they took me to the police department and tied he to a bench.

I look up to see Kage run in. he looks around and hugs the girl I saved. so that must be his sister she looks at me.

"Why the hell is she in handcuff."
"Lady she killed someone that's murder"
"Yeah she killed someone in self-defense you prick that man would have kills me and her"
"Yeah he took me and raped me. she was doing the right thing now let her go now"

And with that I was free. Kage looks at me. he mouthed "thank you" before walking out the door.

I walk outside and up to a payphone. I dial Jcs number. it rings no answer. I try about ten more times. still no answer then I call Trevor. he picks up.

"Is Jc with you"
"Yes who is th-"
"Hand the phone to him now ass"
"Jc here"
"Babe come get me from the police department"
"Whoa Tazz what happen"
"I dont really want to talk about it"
"okay ill be there soon"
"Jc hurry I'm scared"
"Okay just go back ill be there soon"

And that's what I do. When I see Jc and Trevor pull up I run outside. I run into Jcs arms. he raps his arms around me.

I feel safe once again. I start crying and he holds me closer. I dont ever want to leave him.

"I had something planned for tonight but it can wait"
"Okay. Jc sit in the back with me"
"Of course babe"

And we get in the car. I fall asleep on Jcs lap.


I wake up to yelling.

"Get the fuck out of my house"
"I just want to talk to her"
"I dont know you"
"Yeah but she knows me"

I walk down stairs to see Jc punch Kage. I run between them and hit both of them right in the jaw.

"Shut up you will wake the kids and you woke me I was having a good dream ass holes"

I walk away.

"Kage get out of my house and come back a different time"

And he does just that. Jc walk into the kitchen and starts making food. it better not be his way of saying sorry to me. no he got to give me a back rub.

"Okay I will"
"Did I say that out loud"
"Yes you did but its cute when you do that"
"Oh really"
"Its getting hot in here"

And he then takes his shirt off. dang why does he do this to me. ugh I cant believe him right now.

"You ass"
"What did I do this time Tazz"
"Nothing but take your shirt off"
"Ill put it back on"
"You do that I take the ring off"
"Oh so you like this"
"Why yes I do"
"Wow that's all your going to say"
"Oh you want me to say more"
"Okay um.."
"I'm waiting"
"Your smart funny crazy weird beautiful and the best part MINE"
"Tazz from the first day I met you I knew you were the one I wanted to grow old with"
"Okay that's good"

And I just walk away. I walk up to the nursery and walk into a blood bath. I scream.

On the wall it says "cant break free" how could Izak do this. Jc runs up to the room. all four kids now dead.

Thank god Alex is with Chris and Trevor right now. Jc calls the cops and I just cry as I watch the blood drip from the cribs.

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