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I wake up and get dressed so does Mikey. He is really happy to get to see Alex. So we drive back to the house.

I walk in and Ricky and Alex hug me. They seemed scared. I guess I forgot to call. Ops.

"Mommy who is that"
"Alex I want you to meet your dad"
"Hey buddy"
"I remember you you made mommy happy"

And Mikey and Alex played all day as I talked to Ricky.


It was Friday night and Alex and I were getting ready. Gabe's mother host the best dinners. She is an amazing cook.

We get in the car and drive to her house. We walk up to the door and knock. It's not long before the door opens.

Liz Gabe's mom is the one to answer the door. She lets us in and we go strait to dinner. We talk and eat and laugh.

Then the worst thing happen someone broke threw the door and pointed a gun at us. I grew scared fast I want Alex out of here.

"Give me your money" the man said
"Okay" I hand him my money

He then shoots Liz husband. We all scream and cry.

"Sir please let my son go he doesn't need to be here"
"And where is going to go"
"With his dad please"
"Fine only because I can't shoot a kid"

I give him my phone and tell him to go as far as he can then call his dad. He nods and cries as he goes threw the door.

The next thing I know I'm shot in the leg then the arm then the head. He killed me and my son lives with his dad without a mom.

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