Love him so

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I wont talk to anyone but Jc. Chris tries to talk to me. but I dont reply I just sit there.

Jc walks into the room.

"Tazz do you want to go to your childhood house"
"That would be nice"
"Okay pack your things and we will leave when your ready"
"Thank you Jc"
"No problem Tazz now pack"

I get up and start to pack. I grab shoes, pants, bras, underwear, shirts, and bathroom shit.

I walk down to the car and Jc is there waiting. i put my suitcase in the back seat and get in the car.

I soon fall asleep.


I wake up in a feild of flowers. The flowers are red, yellow, blue, purple, and orange.

The sun shines over me. a tree is not very far. I walk over to it to be in the shade.

Once I get in the shade I fall to the ground. I'm tired from walking. a small child appears.

"Your kids need you to move on and be strong"
"And you are"
"Gabe and that's Joey she likes books"
"Oh what do you like"
"I like how much my mom loves me"
"And who's your mom"
"I better not tell"

And Gabe and Joey then run off hand in hand. they look like they are five. They reminds me of Sam.

Another little boy appears next to me. he is reading a book. it was my favorite book when I was little.

"My mommy use to read me this every night. then I left"
"What do you mean"
"She stayed on earth to take care of Chris while I left to watch over them"
"Yes your friend"
"not three but four"
"I left they live its how it works"
"I'm sorry about your kids"
"Me to"
"Ask Chris about the locket"

Then he left. the heat got worse and worse. the sun got closer and closer. I began to breath heavy.

I stop breathing.


I wake up in a bed. Jc is laying next to me. he is asleep. I just look at him. I love the way his hair curls.

Its so cute the way he sleeps. Je looks so happy. he looks at peace.

"I know your looking at me"
"Shhh that's a secret"
"Not any more"
"You ass"
"Bad dream"
"No just weird and crcraze
"Oh I see you cant sleep"
"And why is that"
"I dont know maybe its because I have a sexy man laying next to me and I really love him"
"Like how much do you love him"
"i love him more then my soon to be husband"
"Wait what"
"You heard me"
"Is that why you have a bump"
"Oh you mean my pregnant belly yes"

Jc then jumps out of bed and jumps up and down. I was waiting for the right time to tell him.

He yells with joy. he is so funny at times like this.

"Now come back and lay down I miss my teddy bear"
"What do I get"
"Me and you pair of kids"
"Wait pair"
"More like twins"
"Now come lay back down before I drag you into bed"
"Oh that sounds so.much fun"
"Jc you are really pushing your luck tonight"
"Oh boo hoo"
"That's it your on the couch tonight"
"You heard me the couch now"
"Fine but I will be so lonely"
"Okay now go"

And with that he was off to the couch.


I wake up in the middle if the night cold. it was a bad idea to send Jc off to couch.

I get up and walk over to the couch and look at Jc. he was sleeping on a pull out couch. that ass cheated.

I slowly make my way into the bed. I was trying nit to wake Jc but I failed at that.

"And what is this"
"I got cold and lonely. and plus I can't stay mad at you"
"Oh that is good to know"

I just kissed him. he wouldn't shut up. he just looked at me and fell asleep. I soon fell asleep as well.

I love him so.

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