Fight again

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I walked back to Chris's house after i put Alex to sleep. I just walked in and said "we need to talk" then collapsed.

Chris helped me sit on a chair. I took a second to catch my breath. then I look up at Chris. She looks at me with sympathy.

Did Trevor tell her. did he lie to me. does Chris know about Jc and I. oh god I hope not. and if she does how did she find out.

"Tazz I know about you and Jc"
"What did Trevor tell you"
"No Jc did. he came here looking for you Tazz"
"Oh well then I don't care"
"Tazz he was drunk and scared"
"I don't care"
"Tazz he fells really bad about what he did to you"
"Chris I don't care"
"Tazz give him one more shot please"
"No Chris he hurt me bad. he said I was the only girl he would ever touch that wasn't family or friends it a fan. and he lied big time"
"Tazz please"
"No Chris"

And with that I left. I didn't want to argue with my only friend at the moment. I just got into my car and drove back to Ricky's house.

When I got there Jc car was there. oh yeah we get to have fun. I get out of my car. I walk up to the door to hear glass breaking and yelling.

I don't open the door of fear of being hit by someone or something. I just listen to the yelling in the other side of the door.

"You kissed my girlfriend"
"Dude I'm sorry"
"You better be"
"She pulled away if that helps you"
"Sam shut up fuck you"
"Dude Jc it was a accident"
"Fuck you Sam Tazz is dating me not you got it"

I couldn't help myself anymore. I pushed the door open to see Jc punching Sam. I took my bag and swung it and hit jc head.

"Jc stop you'll wake up Alex"
"Tazz lets go home"
"Jc I am home and we are not dating"
"Tazz please"
"At least Sam was there for me when I was sad"
"That's a lie"
"When our kids were murder you went to clubs and got drunk"
"Okay true"
"Leave Jc please not today"

And Jc left. I went to the room I was staying in. I just laid on the bed. Alex climbed onto the bed.

"Mommy are you mad at daddy"
"Yes I am but it will be all over soon okay"
"Good cause I don't like it when you fight"
"I know that but everyone fights but let me tell you a secret"
"Okay I'm good at keeping secrets"
"I know the secret is love always wins"
"I knew that mommy"
"You did how"
"You never can stay mad at daddy for long cause you love him to much. it's the same way with me"
"Okay smart one go to sleep"

And with that Alex laid down on the bed and fell asleep. I laid next to him and thought about what he said. I then soon fell asleep myself.


I woke up to music and laughing. I got up and walked to were the music was coming from. I found Jc and Alex playing and having a good time.

I can't stay mad at Jc forever. so I walk up to the two dancing boys. I pick Alex up and both of their smiles turn to frowns.

I whisper into Alex ear "can't stay mad" and I turned back around to Jc. I looked mad and he was scared.

"Jc how dare you come to this house and play with Alex without kissing me first"

He looked shocked. but soon realized what was going on when I kissed him. all Alex did was cheer. and I smiled into the kiss.

I had my Jc back.

Best friends with a slutOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora