2. insomnolence.

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{trigger warnings: insomnia, explicit language, ptsd}

I woke up in a cold sweat, my body shaking from the cold breeze coming from my open window.

I turned to look at the clock on my nightstand, it read '2:57am.'

"shit.." I mumbled to myself before sitting up and wiping the layer of sweat away from my forehead.

I paused for a moment, where was Ominis? How did I go from being safe in his arms, to being alone in my dorm room. I sighed and stood up, realising that i was still wearing my uniform.

I walked towards the door and made my way towards the lavatory to try and calm myself down, it was those damn fucking nightmares again. I couldn't cope anymore, Figs' and Lodgok's deaths replaying in my mind on a constant hell loop, it was literal pure torture.

I liked the way the room was illuminated by the moonlight so I left the lights switched off, knowing that turning it on would just give me a headache. I began removing articles of my clothing, my robe and then my tie, etc etc..

Once I finished removing everything, I turned the shower on and stepped in. I ran my fingers through my hair allowing the water to soak it and allow the water to run down my body.

The water was relatively hot but somehow I still felt cold, I turned up the heat and let myself sink to the floor, bringing my knees up towards my chest and then wrapping my arms around them.

I couldn't help but sob quietly due to the nightmares that constantly plagued my nights. All that happened and I couldn't even save Anne.. Yes, I removed the threat, but Anne was more than that, she mattered, and now she's suffering all because I wouldn't take the magic Isidora contained in the final repository hidden below Hogwarts.

I'm a coward and an awful excuse of a friend..

* * *

I don't know how long had passed, but my skin was prune-like and the water had began to run cold. As much as I didn't want to leave this position I was in, I forced myself to my feet and switched off the shower.

I then folded up my clothes and wrapped a towel around myself before leaving the steamed up room.

Thankfully due to the time, nobody would be awake for atleast another 4 hours, I made my way over to the couch where Ominis and I had been earlier in the night.

My body collapsed onto the leather couch and inhaled, it still smelt like him..

A strong scent of spruce and a hint of eucalyptus, and the smallest bit of citrus. Together they formed the heavenly combination that always soothed me no matter what frame of mind I was in.

The clock chimed, alerting me that it had just turned 4am, I groaned and stood up, heading back to bed.

* * *

Morning came and I was awoke to the sound of my cat purring at the foot of my bed.

I stretched my arms up as i moaned uncomfortably before sitting up and rubbing my eyes due to the blinding light coming from my window.

"come here Ghost.." I patted my bed as i smiled, watching the pale grey kitten jump on my bed before settling down in my lap.

Ghost was the newest and only member of my family, I got her during the summer break and decided to bring her back to Hogwarts as my familiar, she has certainly seemed to settle in that's without a doubt.

I turned my head to look at the time '9:04am.'

My eyes widened "fuck!"

Quickly, I moved Ghost off of my lap leapt out of my bed, grabbing my uniform and speedily dressing myself.

My alarm didn't go off and now I've over slept for my lessons. Great.

I let Ghost out to roam around the castle and i rushed to the lavatory. I brushed my teeth and looked in the mirror, I didn't even have time to brush my hair so i just threw it up in a high ponytail, thankfully it didn't look that bad.

After i'd finished making myself somewhat presentable, I ran towards my lesson in history of magic, thankfully i sat next to Ominis this lesson, so he wouldn't say anything about my tired voice or my tragic appearance.

"Miss Ramsey. You're late." Professor Binns spoke in a displeased tone of voice.

"I'm sorry professor, it won't happen again." I panted as I was exhausted from running around the school halls.

"It better not." he responded quickly before turning around and returning to teaching again.

I took my seat next to Ominis and grabbed the text book and turned it to page 40 just as Professor Binns had instructed.

Ominis turned his head to face me "look who the cat dragged in" he grinned as a chuckle escaped his lips.

I rolled my eyes and pushed his arm playfully "shut it" i laughed quietly as i yawned.

This lesson was quite possibly the worst one this school offered, considering the teacher was an actual ghost. I placed my hand on top of Ominis' and rested my head on the desk we sat at, closing my eyes and trying to block out the sound of the professors voice.

Could this lesson go any slower? I asked myself knowing full well that it was going to drag on for an unnecessarily long time.

Which was even worse, every time the professor asked a question, he picked on me.

every. single. time. without. fail.

Merlin, it was my full first day back and I was already exhausted, but the blame was solely on the lack of sleep I had been getting lately. And unfortunately, there wasn't a single thing I could do about it.

Or was there..?

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