Small and Dear

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  It was only a few nights after Nightmare had returned from his travels, and proposed to marry Lord Dream. But he was already halfway through reading the large and tightly bound book, printed with small letters even.
   Nightmare never knew that there could possibly be so much to write about Vampires. Though perhaps it was more the style of writing that the author used.

   A few sketches and example pictures were either tucked between the pages or bound in with the rest of the book. But the author's writing was so full of detail and mildly useless information that reading the book turned out to be quite the task.
   Luckily Lord Nightmare found the original writer's sense of dark humour in the small notes on the edges of the page to be amusing.
   It was easy enough to forget that this Hunter of old times likely would've tried to kill Nightmare's Lord Dream.

   "Anything interesting?" Lord Dream leaned over Nightmare's shoulder, as he sat in the drawing room on a velvet-padded oak chair.
   "A one-hundred-year-old spicy love letter from the writer's fiance in a place called Reapertale." Nightmare handed Dream the neatly written letter, perhaps it wasn't as old as one hundred years as Nightmare suggested, but it was definitely an old piece of paper.
   It was slightly water-damaged but not even sun-damaged. The letter must have been protected in the pages of the book, implying that the book took a great part in the writer's life, almost like a personal journal that someone would take with them wherever they went in the world.

   "Oh~ How scandalous~" Lord Dream read through the letter, giving it back once he was done for Nightmare to put it back in the pages he found it in.
   "I don't know how anyone could dedicate an entire chapter to vampiric slurs. Words against vampires, as well as slurs that vampires used against mortals. Most of them must be outdated at this point." Lord Nightmare ranted slightly even though he was enjoying the book.

   He enjoyed mostly the chapters on traps and hunting techniques, and how vampire hunters could track a flying vampire.
   The sketches of the weapons and specially made mechanical traps had Nightmare wanting to hunt them down to add to his collection in the catacombs beneath the castle.
   Nightmare had a small passion for tools used for torture and trapping.

   "Oh! What's this about bat transformation!?" Lord Dream pointed to a page excitedly.
   "I was getting to that." Lord Nightmare hummed as he skipped his page to read about the shape-shifting magic that vampires hold. "'Any healthy vampire can transform into a flying bat or a small creature with a bit of focue and ease of mind,' Much like Young Lord Jasper said." Lord Nightmare read a short paragraph to Lord Dream.
   "But how do I transform!?" Lord Dream whined.
   "It doesn't say exactly how. Have you ever simply tried to use your magic to transform?" Lord Nightmare asked him.
   "I suppose not..." Lord Dream admitted, "I'll try it!"

   Lord Dream jumped up to stand in the middle of the room lit by the fireplace as Lord Nightmare continued reading while keeping one eye on Dream.

   Much like curling a finger or flapping his wings, Dream used his magic as an extension of his physical body. Perhaps his magic already knew how to transform, Lord Dream simply needed to command it.
   Even young vampires can transform, so it wasn't long before Lord Dream felt the correct switch in his magic. He could feel what was right in his magic for doing what he needed it to do, and the moment he knew how to do it, he transformed.

   Nightmare looked up as his lover for a moment seemed to disappear, until an obvious silvery white bat with golden highlights glided through the air with an alarmed squeak, seeing as Lord Dream still wasn't sure on exactly how to fly with his wings.
   Lord Nightmare jumped up to catch his gliding lover from the air before he hurt himself.

   The tiny Dream was cupped in Lord Nightmare's hands gently for him to look at the beautiful skeletal bat.
   Nightmare had seen bats before, even skeletal ones, but immortal vampiric bats were clearly much different from the mortal animals.
   Dream had beautiful golden markings on the underside of his white wings, and his golden ears and eyes glowed with Dream's magic.

   "You're so big!" Lord Dream squeaked out in plain English, but quickly covered his tiny bat mouth with the hooks of his wings as he realized he'd said such a thing out loud.
   "You can speak." Lord Nightmare pointed out as he gently poked at Dream with his thumbs.
   Dream hummed at Nightmare stroking the backs of his ears like a purring animal.
   "I can't see very far," Lord Dream looked out to the room but only saw warmly lit blurs.
   "You're a bat. Focus your senses to your ears." Lord Nightmare suggested to him.

   Lord Dream thought about it for a moment, before pointing his ears out to the room. He let out the calling squeak of a true bat and heard the sound bounce off the stone walls.
   "How fascinating!" Lord Dream announced with enjoyment before cringing at himself, "Oh dear- I sound like you." He shrunk.
   "What's that supposed to mean?!" Lord Nightmare questioned to find out if he should be offended or not.

   Lord Dream giggled at Nightmare before burying his little nose and face in the fabric of Nightmare's shirt, the hooks of his wings clung to Nightmare's shirt in an almost hug.
   "You can't hide from me!" Nightmare huffed at Dream. Lord Dream disagreed. He squeaked at Lord Nightmare playfully before he was able to pull open two buttons of Nightmare's shirt and climb in.
   "Dream!!" Nightmare jolted suddenly as Dream's tiny claws climbed along his ribs before dropping down to his inside pelvis and climbing over it. Nightmare yelped and stumbled back up into a nearby desk. Dream hooked onto Nightmare's spine to attach himself there.
   "Now you're never going on a road trip without me again! When the sun rises, I'll just hide in here!" Dream teased with pride.

   Nightmare caught his breath as he recovered from Dream's little stunt. Nightmare pulled open a few more of his shirt buttons.
  "Fine, but tell me next time before you climb into me!" Nightmare lectured him as his deep blush started to fade from Dream's lack of activity.
   Dream could tell from the inside of Nightmare's body that his magic was calming down from the light glow in his pelvis.

   Dream licked a stripe up Nightmare's spine before biting into it.
   "AH! Fuck~!" Nightmare shuttered after his yelp from Dream's bite. His back arched with Dream clung to his spine as his blood slowly drained from the spot with Dream's small mouth sucking it out. Nightmare's anxiety slowly drained with his blood until Dream pulled his mouth away.

   "You cursed~!" Dream couldn't help but point out. Lord Nightmare had the tendency to look down on foul language, so it was a rare treat to hear Nightmare swear when he did.
   "That one hurt!" Nightmare huffed out as he tried to resist his feelings.
   "You're magic says you enjoyed it anyway~♡" Dream sang out, watching Nightmare's magic swirl in his pelvis and inner ribcage.
   "Just get out of me..." Nightmare asked him with a light whine in his voice as his cheeks flared with a dusting glow. Dream smirked before licking his tiny bite mark and jumping out of Nightmare's shirt.

   He was able to glide out before turning back to his natural form. He looked back to Nightmare to see him as a bit of a blushing mess. Lord Dream giggled at him.
   "Okay okay," Dream gave in, "Are you alright? I didn't hurt you so bad, did I?" He made sure to ask as he walked up to press against Nightmare again, this time with a gentler and more nurturing touch for his delicate (vampiric) pet.
   "You're supposed to be slowing down on biting me..." Nightmare reminded as he wrapped his arm around Dream's waist, encouraging the other to not hesitate in leaning into him.

   "I'm sorry. The open opportunity was hard to resist." Dream smiled brightly with his unending desire to tease Nightmare's body and get a reaction out of him. Dream took Nightmare's hand in his before kissing it gently to further his apology.
   "You know that my spine is sensitive..." Nightmare muttered shyly to him as their arms interlocked around each other's bodies.
   "That's why it's my favourite place to tease you~" Dream hummed to Nightmare before kissing his cheeks and variously on his face.
   Nightmare was the one to catch Dream's mouth with his own before they were able to melt in each other's arms.

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