25 - A New King

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Loki felt hot. His normal ice-cold blood started to boil like a cooking pot over a fire. His resistance against the guards were no match; power dampened cuff. but still, he desperately tried to reach her.

"Get your hands off her." He grunts through his teeth.

The guard had been brutally rough with the raven-haired girl. Slinging her, pushing her, and throwing her around like she was less than what she was. Loki felt enraged as he watched her head slam against yet another lantern.

"Here we are." The guard spoke, stopping in front of a cell. The golden laser beam dimmed until it had completely dissolved. The two men restraining Loki shoved him inside, and the light goes back up. Astraea felt her heart tremble as they shoved her in the cell right next to Loki.

Everything was silent as the guards left. And once the door clicks shut, Astraea turned to Loki.

   "Tell me what is going on now!"

Loki stalked closer to the golden beam separating them; hands behind his back. He took a moment to find the right words. "I was the one who issued the attack on Asgard the night your mother was murdered. It was part of a bigger plan to prevent my imbecile of a brother from being King; though I must show you appreciation since you, unbeknown, sped up my plan in making me king."

Astraea's head was spinning. "You . . You used me?"

"Yes." Loki stated flat out, his expression neutral. "Thanks to you, I now have more power than I did before. You were much too easy to manipulate, native child if you will."

Astraea felt a betrayal she's never felt before, a hurt so deep it almost stopped her heart. Tears glistened in her eyes. "What happens now."

"My father will have us down here until he decides what to do with us."

Astraea eyed Loki. "That's it."

Loki's smile only grew bigger. "For the time being, yes. Then when we go to trial, just keep up the act, you choose me over Thor."

"I — I trusted you!" She broke. She screams at him feeling all the feelings just whelp up. "You were behind the attack and . . And — We. ." Tears fell down her checks as she collapses to the ground.

"He's the God of Mischief, Lady Astraea. He could turn your world upside down, destroy and tear apart your family if he so much as feels like it and you wouldn't notice till you where crashed on the ground." 

Now here she was, crashed and on the ground. Every moment was a lie.

Astraea sat with her knees to her chest in the furthest corner away from Loki, who would glance her way every so often. Even upset with him, she still looked as beautiful as the day he saw her—He looked a little too long that day and every day after.

"Astraea, you need to eat. Starving won't benefit you in this case." Loki watched as she only slightly raised her head from her knees. "I can feel how hungry you are." He caught sight of her dull blue eyes.

"What did you do last night, the kiss, was it some kind of spell?" Her voice, once demanding to be heard—a quality Loki adored about her—was a hushed, defeated tone. Loki's face stilled, he wished she would yell at him. No one had ever challenged him in a way that she had; could hit certain triggers like she did. Astraea was the first person who truthfully went searching for answers about him that no one had before. When he overheard the conversation between Astraea and his mother that one early morning on his way to finish out a plan he had mastered up; he heard Astraea's voice speaking like an angel, but her words were nothing of the sort.


Frost Giant. Loki remembers thinking, I'm a Frost Giant. Where he was angry at his parents for lying to him his whole life—His whole childhood entirely—He looks back at that moment and now realizes that was the moment Loki felt the tingle. He didn't see it then, his hatred and anger filled his mind, but the thought soon dawned on him after the night they were intimate. She knew of what he was, a monster, but she didn't run in fear, or repulse at the sight of him. When she looked him in the eyes, she saw him, who he truly was, and stayed.

When Odin informed him of how soul bonds work, it didn't take Loki long to figure out how to manipulate the transaction. The two deities have to both agree, a small detail Poor Astraea forgot in her emotional breakdown, but Loki didn't. Standing behind her as she looked at herself in the mirror, watching as the golden glow started to fade from her skin, Loki made the choice. She was his. Soul bond illusion or not, Loki had fallen in love with her. Instead of gifting her own soul back, Loki gave his.

"I —" Loki chokes, clearing his throat. "I gave you my soul. My father told me that both parties have to agree as one, a single detail you seemed to have forgotten when you first threw us into this mess. You've been feeling weak, it's cause you're dying by the next full moon you would've died. You should thank me, I did you a Justice."

When Astraea just shakes her head and then softly lays it back down, ignoring Loki all together, he felt defeated. He wished she'd just yell at him. A strange request, but he missed her voice. Maybe I did make a mistake.

"What did you think?"

Loki's eyes shot up at the sound of her voice. "Excuse me?"

"Did you think that the soul bond would be powerful enough to make me native and forgive you? I don't forgive you, Loki." For the first time in over twenty-four hours, her blue eyes met his green ones. "I will go along with the trial, I will be your queen if Odin doesn't have our heads for this. But," She paused, and Loki felt his guts wrench, waiting for her to speak. "I will never love you. We will never be Husband and Wife."

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