31 - Emerald Green

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*Contains spoilers from my book, falling to you*

"Mama, do I have to go to school today?" The young boy seated a cross from Astraea pouted. His big green eyes cried for attention. Astraea gave the boy a small smile, then packed the last item in his lunch bag.

"Yes Mason, you do." Astraea ruffed up his dark hair as she walked around the kitchen island to her son. "Come on we're going to be late."

The boy sat for a moment, his frustration evident as she stared him down. With a loft brow and her left hand on her hip the young boy caved; he knew he couldn't beat his mother at a staring contest— she wins every time. and so the boy followed his mother out of the apartment.

The New York street were busy, which is not a uncommon thing but on this day it seemed more shoulders smacked against Astraea's. She held tightly to her young sons hand as they waved through the sea of people, five blocks later they arrived at the Elementary school.

"I'll see you this evening okay?" Astraea bend down to his level, brushing his dark hair out of his Emerald green eyes. She smiled softly, embracing how much he looks like his father. "I love you."

He smiled, taking the lunch from his mothers hands. "I love you too. Can we go to the museum when I get home?"

"We went yesterday." She smiled.

"I know but I want to go again."

"Okay, but only if you pass your spelling bee today."

Mason groaned and slung his head back. "Mama, I —"

Astraea placed a gentle finger over her lips and the boy went quiet. "You've studied hard these last few days, I'm super proud of you and if you keep it up I will take you to the museum anytime you want."

A smile spreads across his face and Astraea thought of his father, as she did every time. Never fails that even when he smiles he looks like his father. She kissed the top of his head goodbye and waited until he was inside the building before she walked away, heading to her job.


Hours, and a newspaper article later Astraea glanced at the time in the bottom of her screen, 3:20. It was time for her go pick up her son. She took a moment, read over her work, then hit the send button to her editor. After moments later she was logged out and headed to the elevators. The music inside was soft classical, putting her at ease. She liked earth's classical music, reminds her of Asgard. A gust of memories flow through her brain sending such bliss. It had been so long, she was accustom to earth; she quite liked it here, but nothing would ever be home other than Asgard.

The ding of the elevator rang in her ears and she calmly came back from her thoughts. It didn't take long for her to walk to her car and get settled in, about to the start the engine when a frantic tap sounded at her window.

"Kover? Honey what are you doing here?" Astraea asks, rolling the window down. The young girl looked panicked.

"Ash it's Peter, he's hurt. I ran all the way here." Kover spilled out, her breathing heavy.

Astraea unlocked the doors, "get in, where is he?"

The young girl ran around the car and jumped in. Astraea put the car in reverse and started out onto the main freeway.

"He's at the abandoned building behind the library." Kover said, finally able to catch her breath.

Astraea felt her palms grow sweaty at the thought Peter Parker was hurt. "Hey kove, do me a favor and call my sitter and tell her to get Mason from school." Astraea gathered her thoughts carefully, she could only worry about one problem at a time.

When Kover hung the phone up after calling the sitter she finally turned to Astraea; suddenly the car drive was becoming hostile. "He wasn't being stupid." She blurted out.

Astraea lofted a brow. "If he wasn't being stupid why is he hurt?"

Kover was silent. A quick glance her way and Astraea watched her pick at her nails. A heavy sigh left her lips and she tried to relax back into her seat. Their just children. She tried to remind herself, that she was once young and native too; it's what put her here in the first place.

"I'm sorry I was rude, Can you just tell me what happened and how badly he's hurt?"

Kover sighed, tears threatening to fall from her eyes and Astraea reached over taking one of her hands. "Kover honey, how bad is it?"

"He — he was unconscious when I left to get you. . I — I don't know."

Astraea felt more panic erupting inside her chest. She wanted to snark at the child, why didn't you start with he's unconscious. But she reframed herself; careful to collect her feelings and thoughts.
The rest of the drive was silent, with a few words from Kover directing her where to go. After three red light waits that felt like eternity they arrived to an abandoned warehouse. Kover lead the way through the fence and behind the building where Peter Parker lay unconscious, beaten. Astraea ran to him, her hands cupping his face between her palms. She took a moment to glance over the rest of him to assess if there was anymore damage.

"What is he wearing?" Astraea asked, taking in a red and blue colored makeshift suit with a spider emblem dead center. Kover looked at Astraea as if she were a puppy being scolded.

"Never mind that right now, please, can you heal him?" Kover cried, grabbing Peters hand into hers. Astraea felt her heart weep at the sight of young love. She remembers the way Loki used to look at her; a very similar way Peter looks at Kover. Astraea held out her hands over top of his chest, she closed her eyes and began to breathe slowly. Focusing on energy, feeling the magic that's left within her bubble up into a golden blaze between her palms. Ashes of golden coated the young beaten down boy, magically healing his cuts and bruises.

"K—Kover?" His raspy voice calls out as he slowly comes to. Astraea smiled, thankful her powers hadn't diminished yet.

"Peter, honey, why don't you and Kover come back to my apartment for an afternoon snack and homework while you tell me about what happened today." Astraea spoke in a calm yet stern tone. She couldn't decide if she was disappointed in this young man she had been mentoring or so very thankful he was alive.

Peter looked at her, his eyes watering and a flash of guilt. "Y—Yeah."

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