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I carried my black bag into my room and looked around. My once very decorated room had a air bed on the floor and a drawer. "Mom where's my stuff?"
"Mom put it away. We thought you would stay at the mental hospital." The evil girl standing behind me thought about it for a moment. "I don't even know why they took you out?" I honestly hate my sister. She could be so rude sometimes. I set the bag down and went to sit on the air mattress. I haven't had a comfortable night's sleep for three months. Ever since I tried to kill myself. The doctor said I am depressed. Anything will set me off. What they don't know is that the one thing that does set me off is my family. My mom who never takes my side and is very rude. She always tells people that I'm not that important. My sister who has never said one nice thing to me and my older brother who left for the Marine's because he couldn't take it anymore. I'm almost eighteen and when I do turn eighteen I'll leave. My mom entered my room and smiled. "Eden we sold all your stuff but we can buy more stuff for you."
I sighed. "How mom you know we're broke?"
"We'll just chip into that bank account you have set up." My sister said. "No mom that's my leaving money."
My mom's smile turned into a frown. "I don't see why you want to leave so bad. If you didn't like us so much then you should have stayed!" She practically screamed. She turned away and walked out. My sister shook her head. "Your so fucking stupid. You should have fucking died." She left to and I lay down. I know I should have.

I lost my job. I just found out my sister leaked it to my job and they don't want soneone psycho working there. I'd laugh but it isn't funny. My church took away my volunteering with the kids. The kids at school looked at me differently. My bestfriend is in Cali. Why does life suck? I'm sure plenty of kids got baker acted. Why are they treating me like this?
Because my sister leaked it out. I just left the facility and I already wished I'm dead.

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